Carey Christie

UW Honors Staff

Carey Christie

Carey Christie

Assistant Director of PR and Communications


Here in Honors I… build community by noticing ways faculty, staff, students & alumni can collaborate with each other and build lasting relationships. Then I try to share those stories in a way that will benefit others at UW and in the general public.

I like thinking about… helping talented, passionate individuals find their place in the world, gain momentum together, and drive positive change. Mostly I do this by connecting them to resources and other big thinkers, but sometimes I do it just by asking the right questions at the right time.

My first week in college… I met my best friend working in the theater shop, building sets. “Smells Like Teen Spirit” had just come out and we bonded thrashing around the shop, waving our power tools. Clearly I was destined to move to Seattle one day.

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