Graduate Profiles

Autumn 2011 - Summer 2012

The Honors Program salutes its graduates!

Welcome! Please join us in celebrating University of Washington's Honors graduates for the 2011-12 school year. Below you will find a list of some College Honors and Departmental Honors alumni and students who have completed, or are about to complete, their degrees here at University of Washington. We invite you to view their profiles to find out more about these remarkable individuals and their exciting plans for the future!


The Honors Staff

(2010-11 graduate profiles are still available here)

  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Computer Science
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    InvariMint: Modeling Logged Behavior with Invariant DFAs
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Sleeping in, packing for a summer in Germany, and saying goodbye to my wonderful family and friends
    ... One year after graduating?
    Still doing homework -- I'll be at UW finishing my masters
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Learning, exploring, creating; helping people and having fun
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors provides a great opportunity to get cozy with new ideas. The program also introduced me to some of my best friends, a foreign city, and my major. Many, many thanks!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Comparative Literature
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Tectonic Tales: Volcanoes and Folklore of Guatemala and Southern Mexico
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating I will be celebrating with my Family and Friends
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating I will have published a work of fiction and I will be on my way to graduate school.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years ago, I had no idea I would ever live in Seattle. I thought I'd be a history professor or a filmmaker. I planned to go to college after High School and stay there until I had a PH. D. Then I ran away with the circus, moved to Seattle, and became a Husky. Who knows what will happen next.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Before joining the departmental honors program, I thought the idea of graduating would seem so arbitrary. With the Honors program, I was given the opportunity to write a thesis, something that has given me a sense of closure and accomplishment at the end of all my hard work as an undergraduate.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    My advice is to do everything you possibly can. Join groups, study abroad and help others. Take advantage of all the great honors programs overseas.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Attenuating GABA-A Receptor Signaling in Dopamine Neurons Selectively Enhances Reward Learning and Alters Risk Preference in Mice
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with family and friends!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Hopefully getting ready to attend medical school in Fall 2013.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I hope to be a happy, practicing physician.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I appreciate the support that the Honors community has given me in all my educational endeavors.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Be happy.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Near Eastern Studies: Language & Civilization
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Rhymes of the Rafidin Valley: Iraqi Poetry from 1900-1920
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with my husband and friends
    ... One year after graduating?
    Preparing for graduate school
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    "Improving Patient Outcomes Using Nonverbal Cues"
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with family and friends
    ... One year after graduating?
    Preparing for grad school
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I'll have to wait and see what life has in store for me then!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    My undergraduate experience without the Honors program would not have been the same. I have had opportunities to meet some incredible people and conduct research I wouldn't have had the opportunity to get involved in otherwise. I am truly grateful for the experiences I have had through Honors!
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Get involved as much as you can and keep an open mind.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    National Register of Historic Places nomination: Dunlap Residence
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One year after graduating?
    I expect to still be here, at the University of Washington, working on the graduate degree in architecture.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Summer 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Interdisciplinary Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections in the Cystic Fibrosis Airway: Implications for the Future of Antibiotic Resistance
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One year after graduating?
    Hopefully continuing to perform my research with the help of the UW Departments of Microbiology and Pulmonology, and volunteering at local hospitals or health organizations.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Living on a farm in rural Montana, and practicing medicine at a small community clinic.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    International Business (CISB) & Finance
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Alternative Energy global business (departmental honors project)
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Sleeping in the sun for hours on end
    ... One year after graduating?
    Living in Spain or France, discovering the thrilling world of international finance and marketing while fulfilling my insatiable desire for travel, languages and making friends
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully living along the warm, sandy shores of California or the Mediterranean Sea, in a beachy home with a pet leopard, a loud family and constant travels
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors instilled in me early on in my college experience to engage with classes that stretch me intellectually and encourage creativity. It was also because of Honors that I got the chance to study abroad on the French Riviera, an experience that has changed me forever. I LOVE HONORS!!
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Don't underestimate the warm community honors provides. Particularly the benefits of having such a small department with enormous resources and a staff that is so dedicated and willing to support you in any way they can. You're lucky!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    An Exploration of Quaternions, Octonions, and Their Matrices
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Putting a new set of strings on my guitar and making music.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working as a data engineer for WhitePages in downtown Seattle. Becoming a better computer programmer. Hopefully, still making music, too.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Somewhere that I can feel as though I'm positively contributing to the world around me. I'll be doing my best to fill my life with good people and worthwhile activities.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    For me, Honors has been all about the people I've met. There's a Jewish proverb: "He is wise who learns from everyone". Learning from people around you is easy when they know so much and want to share.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Keep track of what's really important to you, and make sure that's what motivates you.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Cellular and Molecular Biology
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Honors Thesis: Significance of Drosha levels in microRNA Processing
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I'll be relaxing, spending time with my family and friends, and enjoying the (hopefully) sun!
    ... One year after graduating?
    In addition to working as a research technician in a diabetes research lab, I'll be exploring my career options in the biomedical research or medical field and be preparing for further graduate education. I'll also be fulfilling my love for music by getting back into singing.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    10 years after graduating, I'll hopefully be contributing to bettering the health of the population either through a career in medicine or through medical research. I also would like to have traveled to various point across the globe.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors has significantly impacted my undergraduate experience. By doing departmental honors in biology,I learned how to think critically and creatively, and communicate effectively. In addition, participating in an honors study abroad opened my eyes to novel ways of appreciating new cultures.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take advantage of the opportunities presented to you! If you see something you're interested in, go for it! Definitely participate in study abroad, its totally worth it. For academics and research, work hard and put your heart into projects. The more you put in, the more you'll get out of it.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Interdisciplinary Honors
    Mechanical Engineering
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Sitting at home, celebrating with my friends and family and preparing to start the rest of my life.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Teaching high school mathematics in Newark, New Jersey, and having a blast doing so! It will be a challenge, but one that I am excited to encounter.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    No idea. Hopefully making money, raising a family, and having doing what I like. What would that be? I haven't the slightest clue, but I'm optimistic I'll figure it out between now and 2022.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors has given me the opportunity to take once-in-a-lifetime courses that I otherwise would not be taking. More importantly though, the honors community has really left a lasting impression on me. My peers in the Honors Program are all amazing people and are all doing wonderful things.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Enjoy the experience! You'll be graduating before you know it and wishing life had a pause button. I know classes can be rough at times, but cherish the Husky experience before it's too late!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Chemical Engineering
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Spending time with my family.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Conducting research at Stanford University.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Entering my first few years as Chemical Engineering faculty at a university somewhere.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The honors community has provided me with simply that: a community of intelligent, creative, and innovating thinkers who I have had the great pleasure to learn and grow with.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    College should be fun. Stop and smell the roses!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    International Studies
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    "Scientists, Government, and Cooperative Nonproliferation in Russia"
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I'm skipping all the graduation ceremonies, so I'll spend that week in California with my mom.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I'll be at Georgetown University getting a master's in security studies with a concentration in science, technology, and security.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Who knows? Maybe working in the former Soviet Union international security cooperation.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Working on a thesis is a great segue to graduate and professional opportunities. If you tell someone, even someone at the top of their field, that you're writing an Honors thesis and want to talk to them, most people are really happy to help.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take advantage of the 15 ad-hoc Honors credits you can get. You can find courses that really fits your interests and go much more in-depth on a project and work closely with the professor.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Women and Weaving in Medieval French Literature
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    On the day after graduation I plan to be on my way home with my family to the beautiful Flathead Valley for the first time in a year!
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating I expect to be finishing up my year spent abroad in France teaching English. After that I hope to find some time (and money) to explore more of Europe before coming back to the United States.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years after graduating I hope to be a well-established French teacher with a Masters in Teaching French as a Foreign Language.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Computer Engineering
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Quantum Compiler Optimizations
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    At home in Olympia, sleeping.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Finishing up my Master's degree.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Employed at a tech company, while maybe teaching part time.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    In general, my Honors classes were some of the most interesting and challenging courses I took here. Unlike many of my undergraduate classes, I felt my peers held me to a much higher standard in the Honors Program. My Honors study groups enhanced my freshman years and led to good friendships!
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    (1) Actually put effort and planning into your research, so your publication isn't lame. (2) Plan your degree years in advance, so you can get two degrees, or a few minors, instead of one. Many people have done it, even with Honors, but I didn't start a second one early enough.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Business Administration: Finance & International Business
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    1. Innovation Opportunities in Supply Chain Management: Views from the Classroom & Corporate Office; 2. Ethical Leadership: Views from Multiple Perspectives
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be working for Boeing as a part of their Defense Business Skills Rotational Program. My first assignment will be as a business & planning analyst for their USAF Tanker Program.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will then begin my second rotation for Boeing. I will have the opportunity to pick from an assortment of positions for my next rotation.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    My plan is to have completed my MBA and either continue working with Boeing or find a new path in life that I want to explore.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    By being a part of the Business Departmental Honors Program, I have had the privilege of completing research projects with the guidance of brilliant professors. What I have taken away from this is improving my abilities to think critically while performing a complex task to find an unknown answer
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Utilize the opportunities that the Honors program provides you especially networking with guest speakers and your very own professors. These connections are what fosters success for you in the years to come.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Physics and Astronomy
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    On a plane to Alaska for the American Astronomical Society conference in Anchorage.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Getting ready to move to a new place to start a PhD program in Astronomy.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Doing a PostDoc somewhere exciting
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Work hard, it is definitely worth it. And enjoy your time at UW because it goes by incredibly fast.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Summer 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Generational grief differences between Asian/Asian American parents and their children, as portrayed in film
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating, I expect I'll be packing up my apartment to move to Phnom Penh, Cambodia where I'll be reporting for The Cambodia Daily.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating, I expect to be a reporter in some capacity -- for a newspaper, TV station or radio station. I'm not sure what field of journalism I'll find myself in, but I feel lucky to have the gift of choice. I'd like to report immigrant communities and other underreported populations.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years after graduating, I hope I'm as passionate and excited about journalism and writing as I am today. I expect I'll still be writing or reporting in some capacity.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    My undergraduate experience wouldn't have been what it was without Honors' flexibility. Advisers listened to my ideas and let me run with them. For three quarters, I worked with Professor Shawn Wong and faculty from the communication and ethnic studies departments on an independent study project.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Don't be afraid to pursue your ideas, no matter how crazy, daunting or ambitious they may seem. The Honors program is here to help you make these ideas reality. You can accomplish some great work simply by asking: "How can we make this happen?"
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    SLE IC and TLR Induced IFN-? Inhibition Mechanisms
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Sleeping in and having brunch with my family.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Relaxing and preparing for medical school in Fall 2013!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Be a physician who enjoys her work and have a happy life :)
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors has made me feel like I belong to a small community in this big university. It also made me take different Humanities classes which allowed me to explore fields outside of Science.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take as many interesting classes during your freshmen year as possible!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A Qualitative Study on Spaced Repetition Software
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with friends and family at a country tavern in Skagit Valley.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Enjoying an exciting life in Joyo, Japan as an English teacher on the JET Program.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Who knows where I'll be? But hopefully I'll be fluent in multiple languages and have traveled to many countries!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Being a part of departmental honors means I've gotten the chance to have one more exciting year at the UW, during which I was able to make great friends, study two new languages, write a research paper on a topic that fascinates me, and build lasting relationships with some amazing professors.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Don't procrastinate on that research paper! And make sure to balance your studies with some quality time with friends.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Finding the phenotypic optimum: size-related tradeoffs between mortality risk and reproductive output in female sockeye salmon
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I look forward to relaxing and enjoying time with loved ones.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Wherever I may be, I hope to be happy and contributing to the well-being of the planet.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors has provided a caring, supportive community within the huge university that is UW. I am grateful for all the connections I have made.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Chemical Applications of Group Theory
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Volunteering at the Math Olympiad at UW (a math contest for middle schoolers) and then sleeping.... for 12 to 14 hours... Then celebrating the end of my undergraduate career!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Celebrating the successful completion of my first year of graduate school as I get one step closer to my PhD in Mathematics. Possibly rewarding myself with a trip somewhere warm and sunny, where I don't have to think about math.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Spreading the joy of mathematics to future generations! I hope to be a math professor after getting my PhD.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors has allowed me to follow pretty much every passion I've ever had. I've been able to take the classes I'm interested in, study abroad, develop leadership skills, and make friends with some outstanding people through this program.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take every opportunity that comes your way. Don't be afraid to try something new or dive headfirst into the unknown; it'll be worth it in the end. UW has so many things to offer so take advantage of this incredible school!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Autumn, 2011
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Classics, Latin
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A Song of Deadly Desire: The Evolution of the Sexy Siren in Late Antique Allegory
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Three days after graduation I will be exploring Istanbul and drinking lots of Turkish coffee.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating I will have finished my first year of graduate school at U.C. Berkeley! In addition to furthering my academic career, I hope to have discovered the perfect recipe for brownies.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years after graduating I hope to be living in New Zealand and working on my first book!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The College Honors program, with its unique courses and diverse community of high achieving students, greatly enriched my undergraduate education. I have learned so much from both my professors and fellow students and sincerely thank them for how much they have challenged and inspired me.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Summer 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Identifying Novel Components Involved in Maintaining the Salmonella Outer Membrane Permeability Barrier
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Enjoying brunch and hopefully the sun with friends
    ... One year after graduating?
    Applying to med school, working, and going off to see new places, faces, and cultures.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Doing something I love and taking time off again to explore more of the world with family and friends
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Linguistics, International Studies: Asia
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Long-Distance anaphora in Japanese: "Zibun" and Reflexive Binding Domans
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    On vacation in Japan, exploring all four of the major islands (Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido).
    ... One year after graduating?
    In Seattle, awaiting responses from UW, Stanford, University of Melbourne and other universities for acceptance into a Computational Linguistics Masters of Science.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Living in Seattle (Or San Francisco), utilizing my computational linguistics background to conduct research on Artificial Intelligence and synthetic language production.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors allowed me to take what have been the most interesting, unique, exciting and personally relevant classes in my academic experience. Classes about movies, videogames, popculture, etc, etc, etc that I would have never been able to take elsewhere.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take as many cool, quirky sounding Honors classes as you see, they'll all be worth it!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter, 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A Power "Absurd in Itself:" Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of Judicial Review
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    At a graduation party with friends.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Finishing up my first year of law school.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully employed as an attorney.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Pursuing my own research project was a rewarding experience. It let me investigate the subject I was most interested in, rather than choosing from a list of topics.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    I would recommend the history honors program to prospective students. I met a lot of great people, and learned a lot.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Speech and Hearing Sciences
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A speech acoustics study of nonword imitations: Octave-shifted pitch matching in men, women, and children
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I expect to be relaxing with my ten-year-old son.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will be at the UW Graduate School working toward a degree in Medical Speech-Language Pathology.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I will be a Speech-Language Pathologist specializing in voice disorders in a clinic or hospital and I will be preparing for my son's college graduation.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I feel the Honors experience provided a practical dimension to my education that I didn't get from coursework alone. It's made me better prepared for my future career, and it made me a more competitive candidate for graduate school.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Each time you push through a challenge and face a fear, you grow stronger. Twenty years down the road you'll want to look back without feeling regret for the things you didn't do.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Baseball and Black Identity: Imagined Community, Baseball Literature, and the Integration of Major League Baseball
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Spending time with my friends before everyone goes their seperate ways to pursue their dreams.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Preparing to start law school.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    A successful attorney with my own law practice.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The English departmental Honors program has been an incredible experience. I have never been surrounded by such caring, intelligent, and friendly people. We certainly embraced the "cohort, not classroom" model and became a family.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Don't be shy to ask for help! If I could go back and change one thing about my Honors experience, it would be to ask my professors more questions. They are brilliant!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Where do you expect to be...
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I expect to be on the frisbee field trying out for a Seattle club women's team.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I hope to be participating in a conservation corps program in Montana or Colorado.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I expect to be enjoying my life, whatever it is I choose to do, whether it's environmental law school or the Peace Corps, or another path, I want to be making a difference in and be an active participant in the global environmental community.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Keep working at it, don't give up and don't get lazy!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    summer 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Economics; Statistics
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Sex Ratio and Female Employment Situation in China
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Find a good job and looking for a good master program
    ... One year after graduating?
    start my own business
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    families, babies
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    International Studies
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Ching Chong: A YouTube Legacy of Chinese Immigrant Struggle
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I expect myself to finally have some free time and figure out what I want to do next year!
    ... One year after graduating?
    I expect myself to explore and engage in different careers and professions that interest me.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    In 10 years, I expect to become a mature and responsible citizen contributing positively to the global community. I also hope to have completed more worldwide travels by that time.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Honors program has positively impacted my undergraduate experience. The honors thesis research process has taught me to become a much better writer. I also learned the skills needed to complete a lengthy research project.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    I would encourage students to explore different part-time internships and jobs during their undergraduate career. These professional experiences will greatly benefit and enrich their college experience.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Speech and Hearing Sciences
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A speech acoustics study of nonword imitations: Direct pitch matching in men, women, and children
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    After graduation, I will be heading home to Wenatchee for the summer where I will be working and spending time with my family and friends.
    ... One year after graduating?
    In the fall I will be returning to the University of Washington for graduate school in Medical Speech-Language Pathology. Go Huskies!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    After graduate school I plan to be fulfilling my dreams by working in a medical setting as a Speech-Language Pathologist. I hope to have my first home as well as a family of my own including a husky puppy to show my love for UW!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Departmental Honors Program has taught me about research in my field, Speech and Hearing Sciences. In addition, I feel that my undergraduate experience has been enriched by this opportunity. I have built strong relationships with faculty and staff in my department, and have enjoyed every moment!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    In the Classroom of Theodore and Hadrian: Using Glossae Collectae to Reconstruct the Pedagogy at Canterbury.
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    The day after graduation will be spent relaxing with friends and family.
    ... One year after graduating?
    A year from now, I hope to be enjoying the May-week celebrations at Cambridge after submitting my M.Phil dissertation to my committee in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Enjoying a tenure-track faculty position!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    History, Latin
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    "He is hope for the wretched, the salvation of the desperate:" Miracles of Justice in Reginald of Durham's Libellus de admirandis beati Cuthberti virtutibus
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    On a plane, on my way to visit family in England!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Attending the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, working towards my PhD in medieval history.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully teaching at a university somewhere - I would love to be back in England, but really I'm excited to go anywhere. I hope I will have a family, friends, and a corgi dog there with me.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Writing my honors thesis was really the capstone of my undergraduate experience as well as a look ahead to the kind of research I'll be doing in graduate school. The Honors program also provided me with an amazing intellectual community of friends and peers.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Go to your professors' office hours often and form legitimate relationships with your faculty. Your most valuable opportunities will come from people you know, so don't be afraid to network!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Business Administration: Finance
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Washington state distressed property market
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Starting a much anticipated post gradution celebration vacation.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working hard and beginning to pursue a master's degree.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Completing my doctorate.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Honors program introduced me to academic research and provided me with new views regarding how management can create long term competitive advantages for their company.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Push yourself to make the most out of your Honors experience. My Honors professors were a tremendous wealth of knowledge that greatly enhanced my education at UW.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Business Administration- Finance
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating I was shopping at REI to pick up last minute items for my backpacking trip in Central America.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating, I will be in Boston part way through my Financial and Accounting Fellowship program with Liberty Mutual.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years after graduating I will be living in a large and vibrant city and hopefully working in the finance department of a company who's values I share and who's products interest me.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors provided me with an irreplaceable community who values I closely share.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Attend class! Your professors are some of the most amazing and accomplished people you will ever have a chance to meet. Don't miss the opportunity to connect with them!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Art History
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating, I expect to be right here in drizzly Seattle, waiting to take my next step in furthering my education.
    ... One year after graduating?
    As an art history major, I choose to continue my education with graduate school. I have been accepted at Parsons the New School for Design in New York City, and I will be a Master's candidate the History of Decorative Arts and Design housed at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in NYC.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully I will be at the top of my game as an expert in historical and antique gems and jewelry. I would like to become an appraiser for a company with a rich historical foundation and a clientele that trusts and respects its experts. One day I want to have held the Hope Diamond with my bare hand.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors tailored my educational experience at the University of Washington to be very streamlined and accessible. I enjoyed having requirements that did not seem like a throw-away. I graduated in three years from UW, and I feel I was aided by the Honors Program's flexibility.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Make friends with your professors that you are interested in working with in the future, and build your networking skills! You never know when you will need to ask for a letter of recommendation, and hopefully you will be thought of first for positions and opportunities.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Online Modeling of In Vivo Mechanical Properties of Soft Tissue for Robotic Surgery
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be enjoying some post-graduation time, and hopedully some sunshine, with my Mom before she heads back to Connecticut after my graduation.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduation I expect to have a job or have started a Master's program in Boston having had a great first year there with my girlfriend.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I would like to have finished up with school for good and be working in the biomedical industry in some capacity. I'm not really sure about where I'd like to live at this point, but definitely on one of the coasts!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Study abroad was a fantastic experience, and something that I never would have done if it wasn't for the honors program.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Honors has some great opportunities, particularly for Freshman and Sophomores. Make sure that you take advantage of what it has to offer. I highly recommend study abroad!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Fall 2011
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Neurobiology and Economics
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Specializations for Rapid Information Transfer: Comparing Driver and Modulator Boutons in Sensory Pathways in the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Drinking afternoon chai with my family, laughing hysterically at each other, and planning for my wedding in July!
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will be married and living with my fiancÈ in Boston, wrapping up my first year of medical school, and planning our trip to Dhaka, Bangladesh for a second round of wedding festivities!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    To be happy with whatever and wherever I am in life with whoever I'm blessed to share it with.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Honors Program gave me the opportunity to think artistically and creatively, to step out of my box as a scientist, and see the world with a bit of color. I have never had classes more fun!
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    For premedical students, take advantage of the broad education base offered by the Honors Program. Stretch your thinking as a scientist. Savor the material and your time with peers--you'll likely never run into such an intellectually diverse group ever again!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Ruth Brown and Her Girls: Perceptions of "Normal" Womanhood and Summer Camps in the Seattle Area, 1920-1940
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating I will be spending time with some of the most valuable people in my life: my family. My sister is graduating from high school the day after I graduate from the University of Washington and I will be celebrating with her.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating I hope to be in a high school, history classroom working on both my Masters degree and teaching certificate.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years after graduating I hope to be teaching, married, and learning how to become the best mother I can be. I hope to be teaching all children within my sphere of influence how to be confident in their abilities and to be teaching other teachers how to apply research in their own classrooms.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    My history honors thesis is the accomplishment of my undergraduate experience that I am most proud of.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Constantly challenge yourself and do not take the opportunity to participate in the honors experience for granted. Only once are we able to think and grow in such a rich learning environment, if we are brave enough to take advantage of it.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Summer 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    International Studies (BA); Economics (BS)
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Generational Trends of Chinese Urban Household Savings: Decomposing Age and Birth Cohort Effects on Savings Rates
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Sleeping in, remembering how much I love home-cooked food, spending time with friends and family, reminiscing, and thinking about my travels ahead :)
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working at some job I enjoy and (possibly, if I feel like it then) starting law school applications!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully working in international law, immigration law, or some field of law where I interact with people in an international or cross-cultural setting.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Lander 7 honors floor my freshman year was a great community. Completing an honors thesis was an incredibly challenging but rewarding process.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Get to know professors, take different classes before deciding on a major, and study abroad. Spend time with different communities and groups of students at UW. Get to know people who you don't think you "naturally click with" because you will learn a lot and make really meaningful friendships.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Hanging out with friends and family.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working at a fun company and going on fun adventures.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Having more adventures, traveling the world, achieving my dreams, crossing things off my bucket list.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Go out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and explore the world!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Chemical Engineering
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Role of nonspecific Interactions in protein folding by chaperones: Model-based bioinformatics
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Trip Down to California
    ... One year after graduating?
    Graduate School at University of Michigan
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Perceptions of Gender in Ancient Japan As Demonstrated in the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Relaxing at my apartment or catching up on sleep.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Will have completed my first year of graduate school in the Japan Studies program at UW.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully married with kids and working as a translator or businesswoman in Japan.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Characterizing the Hodgkin lymphoma-associated protein KLHDC8B
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating, I expect to be at the The Teach for America Institute Training in Phoenix, Arizona
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating, I expect to be serving as a Teach for America Teacher in Hawaii. I expect to be with family and to be serving those in under-served communities.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten Years after graduating, I expect to be finishing my MD/PhD program and to be starting my residency or fellowship in the medical field.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The College Honors program has allowed me to view the world from a humanistic perspective that I most likely would not have otherwise experienced. As a science major, explanations are usually logical and straight-forward but in life, nothing is that simple.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Chemical Engineering
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Nanocrystal ink-based thin films for tandem solar cells
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One year after graduating?
    Internship in Boston
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations: Arabic Focus
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A Chronological Survey of Iraq's Healthcare: The effects of war, mismanagement and rehabilitation on Iraq's public health
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    In rural Honduras building safe stoves, latrines, and water storage units to help improve public health. I will also work with the community to teach children basic hygiene practices to help them stay healthy. Upon my return I will continue working as a research assistant in the UW immunology dept.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working in the Immunology Department at the UW as a research assistant and preparing to enter graduate or medical school
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    On TED talking about something I'm passionate about.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors helped me dive into topics I never thought I would have the opportunity to study such as photography, criminal justice, and creativity. Being in small classes with amazing professors got me excited to learn and helped me push through less inspiring, but necessary classes.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take classes you never thought you ever would, they will be the ones that change and impact you the most.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A DFT approach to understanding intraband transitions in n-type and charged semiconductor nanocrystals
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    In Seattle celebrating with my friends and lab mates.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working on my PhD in chemistry at the University of California: Berkeley
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Working in a national lab on solar energy conversion materials research.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Being pushed to do a thesis that pulled together my research I did over the course of degree really grounded what all I had learned and done for myself. I think this requirement of the honors degree made me appreciate more what it was I had done.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Get out of UW and do work at another institution over your summers or study abroad, learning about your research topic from another perspective will help you understand both what you know and what you don't know. Also, network like crazy, the people you meet now will define where you can go next.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Environmental Studies
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A Comparative Analysis of Human-Wildlife Interactions in the San Juan Islands, WA
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with my friends and family in Seattle.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Teaching the high school marine biology program that sparked my love for science.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Working for a governmental agency on tropical marine ecology and conservation.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    SPR Surface Development
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Hopefully golfing! Just taking a little time off while trying to find a job in the Biotech industry. I also want to take a trip down to Mt Hood for a little more snowboarding.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Getting ready to get into Medical School. My plans are to take a year off and then go back to school. Hopefully I'll be back as a Husky.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Pursuing a career in either Radiology or Anesthesiology here in Seattle.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I felt like the honors system, specifically the research environment, gave me a lot more real world experience and knowledge than any of my lab based classes.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Don't let the departmental honors requiremnents deter you from trying to go for it! You'll learn a lot more about the real world of research than you will in the lab classes.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Biochemistry, Neurobiology
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Intraspinal Microstimulation to Preserve Fatigue Resistant Muscle Fibers and Promote Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I'll be with my family and friends, celebrating each other and all our accomplishments. There will be a lot of good food, rest and relaxation to go around for the days following graduation!
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will have finished my first year of medical school. I will most likely be back in Seattle with my family. I'll be happy to be home and I look forward to another Seattle Summer. Hopefully I will be funded to carry out a research project here at the UW for the Summer.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    In 10 years I'll be finishing my residency and most likely be applying for my first job as a practicing clinician! My top choices for residency are Neurosurgery [duh], or pretty much whichever subject most grabs my focus in med school! Maybe I'll work toward a Ph.D.? Wherever I am, I hope I'm happy!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I made so many close friendships through honors. Every honors class I took had some of the most thought provoking discussions. These classes moved away from traditional learning and focused on challenging me to be more creative about they way I perceive the world and to think critically about it.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Work hard, make friends and try not to take life so seriously. Really get to know yourself and the amazing people around you. Do what makes you happy! Also I urge you to stop by the Honors Office every once in a while, even if its just to say hi to the amazing staff, borrow a stapler or to sanitize your hands!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Autumn 2011
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Communication: Social Interaction and Broadcast Journalism
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Second-Generation Korean-American: The Influences of Identity Construction and Language
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will finish packing my luggage. I am going to Japan and Korea!
    ... One year after graduating?
    If everything goes according to plan, I will have a couple law school admission letters in hand. I plan to study IP and communications law.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    In 10 years, I'll be 32. I expect to be working at a law firm on the east coast. Buy my mom a new house? Definitely be driving a Range Rover.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors was challenging and rewarding. It helped me to get to know my department faculty. I was lucky to have a diverse group of six smart girls in my honors seminar (that I still keep in touch with).
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Never be afraid to ask for help, your honors advisor and seminar professor are there for a reason. Choose a honors thesis topic that fascinates you, you'll be spending a lot time thinking about it.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Civil & Environmental Engineering
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Congestion Mitigation through Integrated Corridor Management for the South Downtown Seattle Area
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    At the zoo, and spending time with my family who flew into town for my graduation.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Traveling to China after just receiving my masters degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering from UW!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Working at a private civil engineering firm.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The additional support and opportunities that the Honors program provided has been invaluable.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take advantage of all possibilities that arise. Although academics are important, learn to have fun, make new friends and have life changing experiences! I especially encourage studying abroad if possible. Honors in Rome was one of the most influential and wonderful part of my undergraduate years.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Economics, ACMS
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    "Does Default Risk Play a Better Role than Size in Predicting Stock Returns?"
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I should be packing my bags and getting ready to travel with my family!!!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Hopefully, I will be working in an investment bank and learning new things.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I hope I will get a chance to come back to Seattle and celebrate the UW 160th anniversary...:)
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The departmental honors program has given me a chance to learn more about the field I am interested in. Writing a thesis is a tough experience, but it is definitely valuable to me, because it enhances my ability to think critically.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Public Health
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    The Social Determinants of Health: Looking Beyond Healthcare
    Where do you expect to be...
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Biochemistry and Chemistry
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    The Effect of Down-Regulation of Collagen-I Crosslinking by IL-6 on Renal Fibrosis
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be in Seattle searching for a job either in a hospital or in a biomedical research lab while applying for medical schools for admission of Fall, 2013.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I am expecting to get ready for my first year in a medical school of my choice and start pursuing my dream of becoming a physician.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I am hoping to graduate from medical school and finish my residency after ten years after graduating and to start to practice medicine either in the US or in a Third World Country as a mission doctor.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors program has motivated myself to learn more and explore more of my potential to learn, and it has help me achieve my goal of self-growth and self-learning and think about my future.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take the opportunity of being a part of the Honors community and take the advantage of the resources this community has to offer.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; Economics
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Examination of egg case variation of Bathyraja interrupta for population/species recognition in Alaska
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Heading to Miami to work and train for triathlons before starting graduate school in August.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Miami. Training for the Olympics in either the marathon or triathlons.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I was able to learn from some of the University's best professors teaching classes that they were fully invested and interested in. The Honors program also provided a challenging atmosphere and a rewarding educational experience.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    English, Speech & Hearing Sciences
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    The Internalization of Social Values in the Modern World: Tess of the D'Urbervilles and George Washington GÛmez
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be at work, where I usually am! I am a receptionist at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance House, a patient/family housing facility predominantly for cancer patients. The work environment is very appreciative, because people there don't take anything for granted...which is a wonderful feeling.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I hope to be finished with my postbaccalaureate program in Psychology and to have applied to a Master's Program in either Speech-Language Pathology or Dietetics. I hope to begin my Master's Program in 2013.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I hope to have a family with 2 kids and take a few vacations every year so that I have a fulfilling, rewarding life. When my kids have started school, I will want to apply to a clinical (health) psychology doctoral program to become a psychologist. This is my ultimate career goal; I'll get there.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Departmental Honors program has strengthened my skills in English and rhetoric in general. I feel that I have participated in coursework with intelligent peers whom I have been able to cooperate and learn from. I especially enjoyed Dr. Allen's course on Memory & Affect in contemporary novels.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Pursue what you truly love, no matter what your parents, friends, supervisors...etc say. You are ultimately the only person in the position to decide!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Chemical Engineering
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Density Functional Theory Modeling of the Bulk and Surface Properties of Iron Pyrite
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    The day after graduation I'm going to be back in my home town, celebrating with friends and family.
    ... One year after graduating?
    A year after graduation I expect to be working as a process engineer. I expect I'll be slightly sentimental.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    As June 9, 2022 is a Thursday, I expect I'll be working. Beyond that, and the special sentimentality of a ten year anniversary, it's up to the future to decide!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Honors community, especially before I joined my major, helped me not feel so lost in such a large school.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    You know all those things you keep putting off? Stop putting them off. If an opportunity sounds interesting to you, pursue it. Even if it sounds challenging, odds are you're up to it. Before you know it your time here will be over. Do your best to have packed those years with amazing experiences.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Within a day, I will be reflecting on my undergraduate experiences in aerospace while flying in a plane across the Pacific Ocean and riding in a bullet train across central Japan. This precedes a summer-long internship at the Boeing Company.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Within a year, I will either be back at the UW as a graduate student in Aeronautics and Astronautics or starting a full-time career in aerospace.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Within ten years, I plan to have filled multiple passports with stamps and to settle into a comfortable working/family life in the Pacific Northwest.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors encouraged me to take time away from my technical classes to explore courses like photography. It also opened up a chance for me to study briefly in Japan as part of the Global Honors College; that experience redefined and expanded my view of the world.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take advantage of the opportunities that are unique to being in the honors program like study abroad and special course sections. These things will help you distinguish your college career from that of many of your peers.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Volunteer-staffing an urban project in Tacoma for two weeks.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Hopefully I will be working somewhere with people I enjoy being around and for a company who shares my values and vision.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I liked the variety of majors in the honors classes I took. It gave a fresh perspective on whatever subject I was taking to hear from people with different points of view.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Studying is not a bad thing, but relationships with people are what last and still make a mark years from now. Have as much fun as you can with your college experience and spend time investing in the people you care about because it goes by fast!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    New Therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I'll be in bed, catching up on years of missed sleep! Oh, and with my phone OFF. And then in the evening, there's a million things that I could say but I won't, since I don't want to be a negative influence on our underage classmates in the Honors program. =]
    ... One year after graduating?
    Against my better judgement,hopefully back in school! I'm applying to medical school at the moment. If that fails, there's a vacant store on the Ave that I could use to open a bakery. Not one of those naughty ones, mind you. Or maybe I'll just pick fruit or something. Haha, keeping my options open!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I'd love to be the Chief Medical Officer of Swedish Healthcare. But I guess I can settle for practicing M.D. =]
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors was a great way for me to meet new people. It was so much fun taking classes with familiar faces over and over and to establish strong academic and social relationships. It also helped me broaden my horizons and take some awesome classes that I wouldn't have considered otherwise.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    If you think the Honors requirements are more straightforward than regular graduation requirements, you're right! But if you think you can leave them for the last minute, you're basically asking for a mental breakdown at some point. I hear we have a good psych division at UW Medicine though =]
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Biology and Biochemistry
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analysis demonstrates dimer/oligomer formation of the human breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) in intact cells
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    After graduating in March I think I was packing for my trip to DISNEYLAND.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will be teaching science in the Seattle-Tacoma region.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully I will be finishing up my residency. I might have a husband or a dog; they are roughly equivalent, right? The only certainty is I will be learning, laughing, and dancing.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    The world is filled with enough self-righteous brainiacs who lecture from their pedestals. Don't be that person. Use this time to find a personally meaningful way to interact with society and do something positive. And once you find it, chase it headlong, without consideration for walls and cliffs.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Teaching Literature for College- and Career-Readiness: A Response to the Common Core State Standards
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Hot-tub-boating (that's right) on Lake Union.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Enrolled in UW's Master's in Teaching (secondary) program.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Teaching English in a Seattle-area high school.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors gave me a sense of community at a huge university, where it can be hard to find your niche. My honors classes were also much more engaging, challenging, and interesting than most of my other classes.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Your honors experience is what you make of it. Make the most of it.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Dependence of Pendent Base Position on the Efficiency and Selectivity of Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts in Aqueous Solution
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    The day after graduation I will be at Safeco Field, watching a Mariners game with my family.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating I expect to be in finishing up my first year as a graduate student in the California Institute of Technology Chemistry PhD program.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Tens years after graduation I hope be finishing post doctoral research and be on my way to a professorship at a university.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    CEP, Comparative Religion
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Mars Hill: An Ethnography of the Other
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I expect to be relaxing on the beautiful isle of Vashon.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Preparing to leave Seattle for education either in or outside of an institution.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Still in school. Hopefully.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Some of my honors experiences gave me the space to develop my creative thinking. Other honors experiences taught me to advocate for my own education.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Exercise your agency! This should be YOUR education, and it is what you make of it!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Interdisciplinary Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Transnational Coalition in Borderlands Literature
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Curled up in my papasan chair, trying to convince myself that after 16 years of educational training...I can read Game of Thrones if I want to. Guilt-free.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Right now, the plan is to be in New York City, creating tiny, elementary school activists as a 2013 Teach for America Corps Member! Parents in Brooklyn, prepare yourselves.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    10 years from now, I'll be hugging my pet pug. That's the truest thing I can say! I do know, however, that someday, somewhere, 31 year-old Alaska is laughing at the anxiety this question caused me.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Be so courageous.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Viral protease as novel drug target in Kaposiís sarcoma-associated Herpes virus
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will run a rural, low-income hospital and several specialty clinics that will serve the needs of the historically underrepresented minorities.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I hope to complete a Masters degree in human anatomy and physiology as well as well as my application to medical school with UW being my top choice!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I see myself working in rural clinics around Washington. I also plan to volunteer at least 10 hours/week of my time as a physician at Christ's Community Free Clinic in Auburn, Washington where I have job shadowed and volunteered as an interpreter, nurse, and front desk support.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Participating in the honors program a the UW has fired my desire to know and understand material and relevant issues more in depth than that required for exams.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Medical Anthropology and Global Health
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Where Dreams and Debt Collide: The Call for Strategic and Affordable College Access
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with friends, family, and my love. Reflecting on a long journey. Definitely some bacon and eggs.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Finishing up my first year of graduate school; happily embracing June!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Running a non-profit organization specializing in helping youth figure out their next steps after high-school.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Art History
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Gentile Bellini: Bridging the Gap Between Istanbul and Venice
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Relieved, tired and excited.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Going to graduate school to continue studying Renaissance and/or Baroque art history.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    With a completed Ph.D, at least one book published and plenty of traveling.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors has given me the push to complete a thesis and realize that studying art history is what I want to continue doing for the foreseeable future.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Do what you enjoy. Don't make concessions or change your dreams just to fit in or because of criticism. Love what you study and continue to fill your life with knowledge, whether at school or not.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Economics, ACMS
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    An Empirical Study of Non-Linearity Responses of Stock Market to Monetary Policy
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be celebrating with my family and friends and packing for my trip to New York.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Hopefully I can get a job in the financial industry, or apply to graduate school.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ideally, retired and travelling around the world.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I exposed to a research experience by completing the honor thesis, and it provided me with a deeper understanding of my field.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Physics, Mathematics
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Camping with friends!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Pursuing a PhD in physics at Yale.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Performing research in physics, in an effort to contribute to our growing understanding of the universe and our place within it.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Beyond the judgments of others\ Rising high above the sky\ Lies the power of ambition -Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Drama, Psychology
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I'm doing absolutely nothing, just to remember what it feels like.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Hopefully, I'll be independently living and acting all the time.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    With any luck I'll be a legitimate professional actor by then. Possibly at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival?
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Calorimetry of test-butyl iodide on Pt(111)
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be celebrating with my family and friends.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will be attending my husband's graduation from UW Seattle.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    There are people that will tell you that outside of college, no one will care if you graduated with honors so it is not worth doing. Don't listen to them. Graduating with honors is a goal that you have set for yourself and one you should be proud to achieve. Stick with it because it is worth it.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Interdisciplinary Honors
    Business Administration
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with friends and family! Sleeping and eating. Lots of eating.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working as a consultant at Accenture in Washington, DC. Hopefully getting acclimated to the east coast!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Somewhere happy and content, with a dog and a few guinea pigs. Perhaps with an MBA or even working on a PhD...who knows! Hopefully living somewhere sunny and warm with water and mountains nearby!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Some of my very favorite classes here at UW have been my Honors classes. I love the diverse course material, students, and discussions. My biggest takeaway is to never look at things through only one lens.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take time to breathe and reflect. All the time. Oh, and it's never too late for anything! :)
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    English, Music (Voice)
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Am I Not Pretty Enough? The Beauty Cult in Young Adult Literature
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating, I'll be at the house where I grew up, throwing a party to celebrate the end of a lot of hard work.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I hope to be making music wherever I am and whatever else I may be doing.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Persevere! It can sometimes feel as though it isn't worth it to complete Honors, but remind yourself that your hard work will be recognized, and you will be able to carry the distinction of graduating with Honors forever.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Electrical Engineering
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Kinect In the Operating Room: Interfacing with the Surgeon and Medical Imagery
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with my friends, family, and puppy!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Getting ready to start graduate school for my MSEE (hopefully at UW)! I would also like to still be working on the USAF Tanker Program at Boeing.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Have my MS in Electrical Engineering (maybe MS CSE...) and my PhD in Electrical Engineering. I would also like to be closer to my goal of being a chief engineer at The Boeing Company. Maybe have a family by then too!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    It's been a great opportunity to make new friends and experience another small community on campus.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Find your niche -- try out clubs, Greek Life if you want to, and figure out what you love doing. Finding people you get along with makes the UW feel so much smaller than 40,000+ students!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    The effects of xenobiotics on CYP26A1 regulation in HepG2 cell line
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    No idea. Wherever the celebration from the previous night takes me.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Will be studying at UW School of Pharmacy as class of 2016!
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Helping people take their medication properly and cure them! Enjoying life, traveling a lot, and teaching if possible.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors program is challenging but is a very rewarding experience. It helped me become a critical thinker and appreciate education and knowledge. Few of the highlights include studying abroad in Oxford, United Kingdom with Professor Reed and doing a research.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    For science majors: take lots of interesting core curriculum that are non-science! My recommendations are: "I am Charlotte Simmons": An Interactive Health Seminar by Clarence Spigner and Modern Japan through its Cinema by Ted Mack.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Computer Science
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Efficient MapReduce Applications
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    In bed.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working for and developing my own Internet business.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    On a beach somewhere.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    It allowed me to focus on a particular area of research and strengthen my ability to develop and analyze software applications.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Have fun with your research topic.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Computer Engineering
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Collected Publications on Flat Surface Ratchets
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Las Vegas!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Happily working as a software engineer at Microsoft Studios.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Running an independent game studio, working with a talented group of designers, artists and engineers to make great games!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Honors program gave me the opportunities and motivation I needed to get involved in research and take full advantage of my time here, way beyond "just going to class."
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Make sure that you care about everything that you spend time doing. Your time here is the most valuable resource you have, make it count.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Public Subsidies and Sports: A Contingent Valuation of Professional Sports in Seattle
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I'll be visiting family in Philadelphia and New York.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I'll be working somewhere in Finance or Consulting, and preparing for Law School and/or Business School
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I'll either working as a lawyer for a private law firm in New York, or working in a government agency dealing with financial regulation. More importantly, by now, I expect to have courtside season tickets for whichever NBA team is nearby.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    It's given me greater insight into academia, and has allowed me to get to know some of the highest achievers and faculty in this school. Most importantly, it has given me the confidence to know that I can persevere through a difficult process.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    It's important to be self-motivated. Make sure you are researching something you are very interested in.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    History (BA), Wildlife Conservation (BS)
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Embracing the Fierce Green Fire: The Wolf Renaissance in 20th Century North America
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Relaxing, hopefully enjoying a rain-free Seattle
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working at my amazing, recently-acquired job as a Hoofstock keeper at Dallas Zoo in Texas.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Continuing to work with animals and to promote environmental and conservation education. I hope that I will have traveled significantly and taken advantage of all of what the world has to offer.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors gave me the means and the opportunity to combine my two greatest passions - history and animals - into an incredible double degree and an interdisciplinary thesis that I had a total blast working on. It opened doors that wouldn't have been available otherwise.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    The great thing about UW is that a school of this size has something for everyone. Explore anything and everything you're interested in and something good will come from it.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Computer Science
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    StopFinder: Improving the Experience of Blind Public Transit Riders with Crowdsourcing
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Spending time with family and planning for the Road trip.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working in the industry.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Finishing up graduate school and working in the field of accessibility.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Departmental Honors gave me an opportunity to work with some of the most amazing people in my field of research.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Make use of resources at the campus. Just don't build your resume, build your skills. Don't be scared to try something new -- this will definitely help you figure out what you like, but along with that, it will help you know what you dislike, which is equally important. And have fun! :)
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Art History, (French minor)
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    "Mirroring Your Gaze, Deconstructing Vision; Joan Jonas's Analog and Douglas Gordon's Digital Videos
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be at SIFF! and alternating between sleeping and celebrating!
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will be finishing the first year of my master's program in Paris, planning an adventure in South East Asia (hopefully), and staying open minded about "career" possibilities.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Who knows! Hopefully I will have a fulfilling career, living somewhere surrounded by good friends and family, traveling often, eating well, dancing a lot! I'm excited to see how life will unfold :)
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Wonderful friends, mind-blowing classes, great conversations with professors.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Start early, don't give up, and enjoy!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    French; International Studies
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    The National Front and Immigrant Populations in France
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Sleeping...the entire day.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will be traveling as a Bonderman Fellow, making my way through South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin Ameica. I seek to understand how bottom-up indigenous development cooperatives are allowing for the empowerment of their communities while still preserving native culture.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    If I don't become jaded and disillusioned by then, I'll most likely be working in the field of International Development.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Honors program has changed my life. It has taught me that no matter how hard your struggle is, with the proper resources, determination, and many consecutive all-nighters anything is possible.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Before UW, I was a troubled kid who almost didn't graduate from high school. I worked incredible hard both in class and doing odd jobs on the side to put myself through college. Today I am a published Honors student looking forward to graduate school. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND NEVER EVER GIVE UP!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Summer 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    PassÈ Simple vs. Imparfait in French
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I'll be relaxing to celebrate being done with school, and preparing to move to France to teach English at an elementary school.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Hopefully after a year I'll have a job using my French, either as a teacher or a translator.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Helping people learn languages, teaching French or English as a foreign language.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors made my core requirement classes fun! There were always tons of interesting topics to choose from, and not being in big lecture classes made it so much easier to be engaged by the material.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Get to know professors in your department early, so finding one to help you with the research you want to do is easy!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring, 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Do income inequality and poverty affect a states' incarceration rate?
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    The day after graduation, I expect to be sleeping!
    ... One year after graduating?
    one year after graduation, I expect to be one year away from a master of Public Affairs degree.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years after graduation, I hope to be living my childhood dreams!
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    My advice to current undergrads is to follow your passion, not a pay check. Impact the world around you in healthy productive ways that inspire others to give back to the world around them as well.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Working at Zippy's Giant Burgers
    ... One year after graduating?
    Taking my youngest baby to preschool.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Oldest son will be finished with high school.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2013
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Interdisciplinary Honors
    Materials Science and Engineering
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating good times while simultaneously trying not to bawl about the closing of this chapter in my life story. Transferring my anxiety of finals towards securing all the details for my move to Oregon as an Intel intern!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Living on the edge as an engineer with a dream! I hope that I'll be abroad (read: outside the borders of WA state) working in the field or conducting research for global health and development projects.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Celebrating my big 3-2 with my new family. Hopefully in the midst of organizing a grassroots movement to eradicate apathy in youth. My vision is in the form of a nonprofit that encourages youths to use nontraditional forms of activism as a force for change in their own community.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors has been one of the life forces running through the veins of my being at UW. My experiences have graced me with confidence as a leader and with a voice as a thinker.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Act with conviction-- the Honors community is your space and safety net to do so!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Culture of Water: Understanding Relationships between Wastewater and Urban Landscapes in Tukwila and Renton
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One year after graduating?
    I plan to travel independently to India, as well as to Guatemala, to volunteer and intern formally and long-term with non-profit organizations and NGOs addressing human and environmental rights, community support and development, and migration issues.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take advantage of the resources around you. Do everything that makes you passionate and excited. Fly.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Poaching, Social Change, and the Evolution of the Robin Hood Tradition in Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century England
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    With my friends, doing absolutely nothing and enjoying it immensely.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Making plans for a (second) great summer before heading off to grad school... unless I get an unrealistically incredible job in the intervening year, in which case I'm keeping it.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    In my ten-car garage, wrenching on a late-sixties Oldsmobile and sipping on something expensive. Also writing books.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Living on the Honors floor of Lander, my trip to Rome and Istanbul, meeting an amazing group of smart and like-minded people in the History Honors track, and becoming a member of HSAP my senior year - Honors has truly given me some of the best experiences of undergrad, both socially & academically.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Get involved as much as possible, as soon as possible. The more involved I have become in extracurricular activities (both Honors and other), the more fun my college experience has become.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Informatics, Philosophy
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with friends and family enjoying life.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working at the Boeing company in their Information Technology Career Foundations program.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Working in Information security and enjoying life.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors gave me something to strive for while at my time at UW.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Work hard but don't forget to have fun.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Interdisciplinary Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Bone marrow transplantation of wild-type or EP2-/- cells on beta amyloid pathology and microglia engraftment in the retina of a mouse model of AlzheimerÍs disease
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Hanging out in my house with my 7 housemates. Then, eating brunch at Portage Bay . I have wanted to try that restaurant for a year! Maybe go on a bike ride or walk around Greenlake.
    ... One year after graduating?
    In school for naturopathic medicine.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Back in Seattle living in my own residential home with a job that I love and still closely connected with my family.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Being in a university with such a large population of students made me appreciate the smaller community the Honors Program offered. I was in an Honors FIG and we have reunions to this year. I love to talk with my FIG buddies about how we are all so grown up now and going our own independent ways!
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Don't be afraid to make new friends and welcome new challenges.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Biology (Physiology)
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    The virulence pathway of ESAT-6 and CFP-10 in Mycobacterium marinum as compared to the pathway of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Spending time with my brother who is visiting from Hong Kong!
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will be applying to medical school and hopefully still adventuring beyond the bounds of this country.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Working as a family physician, taking the time to travel with friends and family, and engaging in my community.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I absolutely loved my trip with the honors community to the Olympic National Park and am so grateful for the small but engaging classes that honors provided.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    I would just say, don't get caught up in classes. There is so much more to learn than the homework we are given!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Computer Science
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Real-Time Camera Pose Tracking on Android Phone
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with my family and friends and being thankful that they were there to encourage and motivate me throughout the last four years.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working as a software engineer at Microsoft.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Loving my job and my family.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Despite the challenges and the love-hate relationship I had with my research, I'm really glad that I got involved with research. I learned so much while working on my Honors project, and I've become a better researcher and problem solver because of it.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    It's never too early to look for research or internship positions. You may think that you have nothing to offer your first or second year, but you would be surprised. UW and the Honors program offer so many great opportunities. Take advantage them while you can!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Computer Science
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    A Type System for Regular Expressions
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Relaxing before my summer internship starts.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Finishing up my Master's degree.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Working at my own company with my friends.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors encouraged me to take classes I would not have otherwise taken. I took a really interesting class on Chinese characters and linguistics, as well as a class merging literature and the science of the Puget Sound.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Stay in Honors! I never would have done research if it wasn't for Honors and it was such an interesting and rewarding experience.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Fall 2011
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Development of Tagalog -um-.
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I spent time with family.
    ... One year after graduating?
    in grad school.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully back on the west coast, doing something in academia.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I got a sneak preview of what grad school would be like.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Do more than classes, get involved in research; UW is one of the best places for it. At the same time, have fun outside of the classroom.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Environmental Studies
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Goods Movement Mapping for Environmental Justice: Examining Freight Impacts
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I expect to be home in Olympia.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating, I will have just finished up my first year of law school at Lewis and Clark in Portland, Oregon, where I will be studying environmental law.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I hope to be a successful lawyer, working for the public interest on environmental issues somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I am incredibly grateful for all that the Honors Program has invested in me. I loved the variety of topics presented in Honors courses, the enthusiasm of the instructors, and the class sizes. By the end of the courses, I always found myself creating final products that I felt passionate about.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Keep your final papers. Take the Cultivating Creativity Seminar. Embrace the extra departmental work. Take Speech and Debate. Whenever you can, find or create an experiential opportunity that counts for credits. Provide a meaningful product in the real world and work on your skills at the same time.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Bachelor's of Landscape Architecture
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Oil to [Salt] Marsh: Edmonds Marsh Expansion
    Where do you expect to be...
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Love what you do.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Medical Anthropology and Global Health
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Urinary Tract Infections: Prevention through Education
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Celebrating with my family, whose continuous love and support have allowed for me to succeed over the past four years.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I hope to be backpacking through Southeast Asia and enjoying the summer before entering into a Master's in Public Health Program.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I plan to have a career in public health working toward increasing women's access to affordable, adequate health care and advocating for gender equality in health.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Anthropology Honors Program provided me with the invaluable opportunity to create a qualitative study using anthropological methods to understand American women's access to sexual health education and the result of an absence of preventative education on health. Many thanks to the Department!
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Remember that the obstacles are all part of the learning experience. Seek assistance from your professors and friends as often as possible; there are so many great resources at the UW!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Determination of infarct size for studies of cell therapy treatment of myocardial infarction
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be spending the day with my family and friends, celebrating the end of a great chapter in my life!
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will have just finished my first year of graduate school and will hopefully have something to show for it! Depending on my schedule, I would love to be preparing for a bit of travel over the summer.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    If all goes according to plan, I will be doing something I love.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I built my scientific background in Honors chemistry, physics, and organic chemistry courses. I also broadened my understanding of how science and engineering can be applied through Honors courses in the arts, international studies, and social sciences.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    I will defer to a greater mind and paraphrase Neil deGrasse Tyson: Know more today about the world each day than you knew the last. And, along the way, lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Environmental Studies
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Analyzing vesssel interactions surrounding southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I will be hiking with my dog in Leavenworth. Finishing up this quarter has been difficult and relaxing at home with my family and the mountains will be amazing.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I will be applying to graduate school and continuing my work at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory here in Seattle. I will also be traveling a good amount, assisting in marine mammal research and trying to build my resume.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I will have completed my PhD which I'm sure will take the majority of that time! I am very interested in Arctic marine mammals and the effects that climate change will have on them. I am looking forward to being in the field and experiencing as much of the world as I can.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors has been a fantastic resume booster and opened up a lot of post graduate opportunities.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Talk to professors and get involved. Don't be afraid to email complete strangers and ask for advice on your career or what you should be doing. I got my post graduate dream job from simply emailing someone. You never know where those meetings will take you and people can clearly see passion.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Regression-Based Path Analysis of Deaf Literacy Using Event Related Potentials (ERPs)
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Enjoying an amazing Seattle brunch and (hopefully) enjoying the sun.
    ... One year after graduating?
    I plan to go to medical school after taking a year off to work and travel.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Working hard and taking time to travel and explore.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Microbiology, Biochemistry
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Visualizing Escherichia coli F plasmid conjugation using time-lapse microscopy
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Brunch with my closest friends at Portage Bay Cafe to celebrate graduation!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Working in a research lab either at UW or NIH and applying to MD/PhD programs.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Be a physician and a researcher. I hope to be working in the fields of infectious disease and immunology where I can study microbial pathogen and host interactions, and treat the patients with these conditions.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The friendships that I have made through Honors were invaluable. I met so many amazing, intelligent, and inspiring friends through Honors. They encouraged, motivated and helped me to reach my goals. And because of these friends, great memories were made during my time here as an undergraduate.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    One of the best advices I ever received was from the postdoc that I worked with in my lab, he said "if things were easy, they would have been done already". This advice got me through some challenging times during my research. Things that are worthwhile are never easy, so don't EVER give up!!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    Environmental Studies
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Walking the Talk: Sustainable Practices in the Environmental Protection Agency
    Personal Website or Blog URL:
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Playing soccer at the IMA, followed by dinner on the Ave with my friends
    ... One year after graduating?
    Toiling away in UW grad school
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Working on health care reform, changing the world
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    It certainly allowed me to explore more subjects and interests that I otherwise would not have been able to explore. Being part of Honors also opens up many scholarship opportunities.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take advantage of all the activities, events and clubs on campus that interest you. Network with people who share your interests, seek advice from those who came before you, and coauthor a project with a professor.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Criminal History and Public Housing: An Evaluation of Seattle Housing Authority's Applicant Denial and Eviction Practices
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating I expect to be enjoying a few days of nothingness. I plan on relaxing and enjoying the hopefully beautiful Seattle scene with my friends and family.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduation I will be working as a legal assistant at the Northwest Defender's Association and applying to law school. I also plan on traveling to both Asia and Europe for several weeks at a time.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years after graduation I hope to be a practicing attorney in public service law. I also hope that I will be well traveled and settled in a city of my choice. I want to have a full life surrounded by friends and family, and actually be happy in my profession.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I am very thankful for the departmental honors program that I was able to access through LSJ. Working on a research team in order to complete the thesis was a remarkably rewarding experience. I am honored to have worked with such intelligent and accomplished individuals.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Work hard, but don't take yourself too seriously. You will do your best in school when you maintain a balanced life and not just stress about grades and classes. College is short, and the majority of your learning happens outside of the classroom, so go out and grow.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    The Figure of the Bawd in Spanish Medieval Literature
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    On my way to Hawaii!
    ... One year after graduating?
    Finishing up my year teaching English at an elementary school in Ourense, Spain.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I hope to be working as an attorney specializing in International Law somewhere in the Pacific Northwest or abroad.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I feel so fortunate to have been able to take Honors courses with professors who love their subjects and students who are really engaged in learning. I've had so many interesting discussions about a huge array of topics, and I'll be bringing them up at cocktail parties for years to come.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Let the little things go!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Fall 2011
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Compatibility: A Novella for English Departmental Honors
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    The day after graduation I expect to be surrounded by my family and friends, excited for a summer of hard work ahead of me.
    ... One year after graduating?
    A year after graduating I want to have a variety of career experiences under my belt with a solid grasp of the direction I want to dedicate myself to.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    In ten years I see myself lounging in my prodigious personal library in my Malibu mansion, having already read every good book ever written. A stable career that I love would be nice too.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The Honors Program provided my first real job. I learned more from working there than I ever expected, and those skills will help me throughout the rest of my career. The Honors Program also fostered my love for my school and gave me the academic challenge I was looking for.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Branch out from your interests and take a class that seems scary to you.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Nilpotence phenomena in graded algebra
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    ... One year after graduating?
    In the sunshine.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Computer Science, Music
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Vaccine Cold Chain Geographic Visualizations
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    Enjoying the sun and playing frisbee at Gas Works Park.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Completing a M.S. in Computer Science at UW.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Building the next generation of software systems to solve real-world problems.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Honors gave me the incomparable experience of studying in Rome and visiting Istanbul, and it has introduced me to a number of great friends.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Take advantage of Honors study abroad!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Fall 2011
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    The Implicit Teddy Bear Effect: Automatic Associations of Baby-faced Black Male with Warmth but not Leadership
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I was at Seattle on Dec. 17 2011.
    ... One year after graduating?
    Probably still in the greater Seattle area.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Back in China.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    Through my over one year Honors project, I got a taste of graduate school life. The research experience did change my way of critical thinking and develop me the research skills.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Enjoy your research even if it's tough. A question is where all the excitement begins.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Optimization of Ultrasound Elastography for Detection of Traumatic Brain Injury
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    On a plane to Las Vegas!
    ... One year after graduating?
    At Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, pursuing my Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Hopefully, I will be done with my Ph.D. and working in a Biotech company somewhere in Southern California.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Definately take advantage of the study abroad programs--get Honors credit AND see the world!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Bilingual Brain Shaping: Mental Set Shifting and the Bilingual Brain
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    One day after graduating I will be at home getting ready to spend my last summer working a child developmental center, where I have spent all my school breaks for the past four years.
    ... One year after graduating?
    One year after graduating I will be completing my first year of graduate school at the University of Washington.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Ten years after graduating, I will hopefully have a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology and be working in my own lab where I will be investigating the the relationship between language and the brain.
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The honors program was a fantastic experience, I learned so much because of it and it is the reason I will be starting graduate school in the fall studying the brain.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Enjoy the experience!
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Adenosine as a Potential Vasodilator During Ischemic Stroke
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    In Las Vegas spending time with my family and enjoying the warm sunny weather!
    ... One year after graduating?
    I hope to be traveling around and exploring Europe before I start my first year of medical school as the class of 2017.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    I hope to be practicing medicine and doing something that I am passionate about. I still want to be traveling and staying active. Lastly, I hope to be surrounded by my close friends and family. ;)
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    The people that I met while living on the Honors floor freshman year became some of my closest friends ever and helped shape me into the person I am today. The Honors classes were always so engaging and encouraged me to think outside the box.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Live your life to the fullest. Laugh a little harder with your close friends and family. Love the classes that you're taking. Most importantly be proud to be an Honors student. :D
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    Accounting; Classical Studies
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    trip to San Francisco to visit a friend!
    ... One year after graduating?
    living in New York, working as an auditor for Deloitte. Hopefully not too broke ;)
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Have my MBA from Harvard :) Traveled the world a good deal, actively involved with great causes, married or in a loving relationship :) Continue learning!
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    I've made great friends since freshmen year who I still keep in touch with. The diversity and drive I was exposed to in the Honors community inspired and motivated me a great deal. These people will go on to achieve great things, and I am proud to be their friend!
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Get to know the honors faculty early on. They can help you obtain opportunities that you didn't even know existed. Their knowledge is also amazing!! STUDY ABROAD. This will open your mind up more than anything else. Study hard, but also make time to have fun in your life ;)
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Winter 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    College Honors
    International Studies; Community, Environment, and Planning
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Creativity, Competition, and Control: Creativity Education in China
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One day after graduating?
    I was at work, mulling on the strangeness of having graduated.
    ... One year after graduating?
    In Seattle, working, reading, attending free classes, and getting to know the city.
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    Anywhere. Possibly teaching.
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Needing honors ad hoc credit is a great excuse to talk to a professor, especially if you're shy. Use it! Take the opportunity to get to know and work with a professor you admire.
  • Quarter and Year of graduation:
    Spring 2012
    What kind of Honors degree will you graduate with?
    Departmental Honors
    If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
    Genetic variation and taxonomy of Rhododendron subsection Arborea in Southwest China
    Where do you expect to be...
    ... One year after graduating?
    In a plant evolution lab finishing up first year rotation
    ...Ten years after graduating?
    hopefully in a lab with my name tag at the door
    Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
    It definitely imposes extra work for me...
    Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
    Work hard and plan ahead