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Group Advising: Honors by Contract Processes (open to both DH and IH students)

November 24, 2020 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Honors Group Advising series is aimed at connecting Honors students with the people, resources, and topics relevant to a full and diverse UW undergraduate experience.

Autumn 2020:
Honors by Contract: What are the Honors by Contract options and how do I apply?

  • When: Tuesday, November 24th from 11:30-12:30pm
  • Who: for both IH and DH students
  • RSVP for Zoom Link
  • What: We will cover the application and process for ad hoc (applicable for both Departmental & Interdisciplinary Honors students), Graduate level coursework, and Honors Independent Study. Because the Honors Independent Study and Graduate Level Coursework options are only applicable for Interdisciplinary Honors students, we will be reviewing and answering questions about the ad hoc process first, then we will take a quick break and at that point any Departmental Honors students are welcome to leave the session.


November 24, 2020
11:30 am - 12:30 pm


Claire Grant