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Pizza & Portfolios (for current students)

May 24, 2018 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

As the academic year nears its end, we invite you to spend some time thinking back on your year and carve out space for reflection.

We know this is not as easy as it seems, so your Honors advisers have carved out some time for you! Come join us on May 24th from 12-1:30 in MGH 211 for Pizza and Portfolios!

This is a dedicated time to work on your Honors Portfolio. Don’t worry if your portfolio has little content in it so far – that’s what this time together can help generate!  If you’re having trouble thinking of what to add to your portfolio, or want someone to bounce ideas off of, please consider attending Pizza and Portfolios! Never assume that you have nothing to say from your year.

Did you apply for a new job? Write a personal statement? Apply for a scholarship or research position? Apply to study abroad? All materials from written applications can be wonderful materials for your portfolio. They often capture goals, accomplishments, and exciting moments in time.

Visit a new place in Seattle? Spend your first holiday away from family? Live in a new location? Take a great road trip with friends? These are all milestones with stories in them and might be wonderful ways to personalize your narrative.

Write a paper you were particularly proud of? Complete a tough presentation? Ace or bomb a test? Attend a conference? Academic achievements and challenges are always important pieces of your undergraduate story!

We will have two spaces available for student work. One will be devoted to prompting reflection and generating ideas for content, and a second space for actively writing, editing, and populating your portfolio.

Feel free to work in either area – pizza will be available in both!

Please RSVP here and let us know if you can join us!


Jackson School of International Studies and UW Honors Program


Honors Suite, MGH 211
Mary Gates Hall, 1851 NE Grant Ln
Seattle, WA 98195 United States
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