Aradia Elenor Webb
UW Honors Graduates
Aradia Elenor Webb

English, Language and Literature
Education, Learning, and Society
Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2020/2021
Proudest Moment: My proudest moment at UW has yet to come, but will certainly be when I submit this Honors thesis in June!
Thesis: Bolstering “less-than-ideal lovers”: an analysis of the treatment of heroes in modern Jane Austen film adaptations
webb.arad9@gmail.comThroughout my time at UW, I changed my major about 17,000 times, slipped in Red Square three times, and took more than one Zoom class in my pj's in a closet in order to get a bit of quiet. With all of that said, I had an absolutely, mind-blowingly amazing time. I have met life-changing people, settled on a degree that I absolutely love (go, book nerds!), and have had countless experiences that have made me a better thinker and a kinder person. I am so lucky and ever-so-thankful to have attended this university and to have been a part of English honors. Thank you so much to everyone who supported me along the way.
I look forward to a hopeful career in editing following my graduation because, after four years of reading a bunch of words, apparently I just haven't had enough.