Stacie Tao
UW Honors Graduates
Stacie Tao

Social Welfare (BSW) and Early Childhood & Family Studies
Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2019/2020
Proudest Moment: Interning in Washington D.C. with the support of the Jackson Munro Public Service Fellowship!
Thesis: Effectiveness of Critical Ongoing Resource family Education (CORE-Teen): Support for Resource Parents of American Indian Teens
tao.stacie@columbia.eduIn my four, short years at the University of Washington, my interest in working with young children has grown into a life-long dedication for dismantling intergenerational & systemic inequity and racial disproportionality in the child welfare system. Numerous non-profit organizations and early intervention/learning centers have guided me towards a path of advocating for trauma and culturally informed social policy. As I pursue this work, I aim to create lasting social change through a transformative justice lens and uphold intentional practices to dismantle traditional power dynamics that have led to deep system inequity. Outside the classroom, I spent my spare time involved with research, public service, study abroad, and playing my trumpet with the Husky Marching Band & UW Symphony.
I am immensely grateful for the opportunities and support I received through the University of Washington; the womxn of color faculty and mentors that encouraged me to dream bigger; and my social work cohort for being role models of social change, accountability and grace.
I am eager to embark on my next journey of pursuing a Master’s of Science in Social Work at Columbia University, where I will be working with The Center on Poverty and Social Policy.