Honors News Archive

News in Brief

Apply for the Bonderman Travel Fellowship

Dec 3, 2008

Dear Honors Students,

We write to share with you an extraordinary opportunity for travel, discovery, and challenge. The 2009 Bonderman Travel Fellowship application is now available.

David Bonderman, the donor, wishes to give students an opportunity to experience learning and growth in new and unexpected ways. Graduate students (including those in the Law and Business Schools and other graduate and professional programs) and undergraduate students in the University Honors Program (college or departmental) and in UW Tacoma's Global Honors Program are invited to apply.

To learn more about this extraordinary opportunity, please visit the Bonderman Fellowship webpage and please plan on attending an information session on one of the following dates:

  • Tuesday, January 13, from 12:30-2:30 p.m. in the Honors Multipurpose Room (MGH 206)
  • Wednesday, January 14, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the Honors Multipurpose Room (MGH 206)

Learn more about the Bonderman Travel Fellowship »