Honors Staff
About The Honors Program Staff
Front Desk
For general inquiries or to be directed to an appropriate staff member, please contact the Honors Program front desk via our contact form, at uwhonors@uw.edu, or by phone at (206) 543-7444.
Honors Staff
Stephanie Smallwood
Here in Honors I… oversee all aspects of the program in my role as Director but focus especially on working with partners on and off campus to make sure we have the resources we need to serve as many students as we can.
I like thinking about & studying… I majored in African Studies as an undergrad and then earned a PhD in U.S. History with a focus on the transatlantic slave trade and slavery, so I spend a lot of time in my research thinking about the intersections of colonialism, slavery, race, and capitalism. I especially enjoy designing courses that help students understand how those aspects of the distant past profoundly shape our world today. I also really enjoy learning about gardening in the Pacific Northwest, and love to be outdoors tossing a ball for my dog.
My first week in college… I signed up for calculus because I didn’t understand that I was finally able to choose what I wanted to study. I’d done horribly in calculus in high school, and no surprise, I failed it my first semester as an undergrad. I think my jaw dropped when an academic advisor told me I could have just dropped the class.
Aley Mills Willis
Assistant Director
Director of Academic Services and Student Affairs
Here in Honors I… contribute to the overall leadership of the program as well as oversee our academic services and student affairs efforts for students. This includes leading our advising program, meeting with students, brainstorming and implementing ideas for student leadership development & experiential learning programs, and working across the UW to help Honors students develop their education & connect with their community in meaningful ways.
I like thinking about & studying… I studied English literature as an undergraduate and Education as a graduate student. It is no surprise that I really like stories. I like reading stories. I like hearing stories that students have to tell. And I like helping students develop their own unique story through education. I am also especially interested in the intersections of arts, culture & the natural world and do a lot of thinking and direct action in those areas.
My first week in college… was really exciting! I was excited to have moved to a new part of the country. I was nervous because I didn’t know a single person. I was in awe of the size and scope of UW. I was already deeply in love with the Pacific Northwest. I also drank A LOT of coffee.
Brook Kelly
Assistant Director
Director of Strategy and Operations
Here in Honors I… work on operations, admissions, scholarships, international programs, advising students and much more. I’ve worked for the Honors Program for many years, so have done just about everything there is to do here and am always happy to help!
I like thinking about & studying… gender equality, national parks, human rights, maternal health, tramping the high country, zymurgy, global & local politics, traveling to remote places, growing my own food, cooking & canning, reading (good fiction & outdoor adventure stories are my favorites), and working on my house.
My first week in college… I managed to sit through an entire hour of the wrong class because I was too embarrassed to get up & leave when the instructor said “Anyone who isn’t here for Poli Sci 200 should leave now.” Turns out I was in the right place – just an hour early!
Carey Christie
Assistant Director of PR and Communications
Here in Honors I… build community by noticing ways faculty, staff, students & alumni can collaborate with each other and build lasting relationships. Then I try to share those stories in a way that will benefit others at UW and in the general public.
I like thinking about… helping talented, passionate individuals find their place in the world, gain momentum together, and drive positive change. Mostly I do this by connecting them to resources and other big thinkers, but sometimes I do it just by asking the right questions at the right time.
My first week in college… I met my best friend working in the theater shop, building sets. “Smells Like Teen Spirit” had just come out and we bonded thrashing around the shop, waving our power tools. Clearly I was destined to move to Seattle one day.
Wien Sillevis Smitt
Counseling Service Coordinator
Here in Honors I… advise and support students in academic planning and pursuing professional goals. I also manage Honors by Contract and Experiential Learning processes and provide support for student community opportunities and the Honors Living Learning Community.
I like thinking about and studying… the relationship between literature, culture, and what is considered valued knowledge, especially as it shows up in science fiction and fantasy writing. In particular, I enjoy analyzing what works of fiction take for granted and where they deviate from established socio-cultural narratives. However, I also love learning about history, sea creatures, and outer space!
My first week in college… I tried as many different restaurants on the Ave as I could (and got food poisoning) and went to a Dawg Daze event every day!
Cora Bern-Klug
GSA Front Desk
Here in Honors I… hang out at the front desk and try to answer any and all questions I can! If you call or email Honors, I’ll likely be the one picking up and responding. I look forward to communicating with y’all.
I like thinking about & studying…the migratory, economic and social implications of climate change. How do we keep the increasing number of climate refugees housed, healthy and fulfilled? What policies are inhibiting or supporting migration? In addition to these biiiiig topics, I also like psychoanalyzing contestants on Love Island, spending time in the Arboretum and learning about birds and plants!
My first week in college…was a blur and filled with the typical first-year faux pas. I showed up to the wrong class (twice!), ate plates of fries in the dining hall with new friends and had to figure out the importance of my planner! My first college class was “The Meaning of Life” and it didn’t disappoint.
Lilian Tang
Counseling Services Coordinator
Here in Honors I… advise and support students in planning their academic and professional goals. I am also the instructor for HONORS 100 and the accompanying Peer Educator program.
I like thinking about & studying… mental health, especially how intergenerational trauma shows up in immigrant and refugee communities. I love thinking about different healing practices we can utilize that center community. I also really enjoy being out in nature and learning about different ecosystems!
My first week in college… I went to a club event or meeting every day, attended my first football game, and stepped foot in a gym for the first time in my life.
Anika Mehta
Undergraduate Student Assistant
Here in Honors I…provide peer-to-peer advice and encouragement to students, and I work on various projects to support the Academic Services team and Honors staff!
I like thinking about & studying…sociopolitical power structures that fuel oppressive systems, how marginalized communities interact with the law, and how we can create a sustainable and liberative present and future.
My first week in college…was a whirlwind of new friends, exciting experiences, and challenging classes! I lived on every possible dining hall combination of cheese, bread, and tomatoes for way too long.
Ivan Lopez
Web Computing Specialist
Here in Honors I… support all areas of the Honors unit by performing various computer system-related activities, including database and web application development. I manage the program’s internal and external web applications that support admissions, scholarships, course registration, academic services, and outreach.
I like thinking about & studying… the intersection of technology and biology, especially learning how advancements in biotechnology and bioinformatics are revolutionizing healthcare and our quality of life. I also enjoy learning as much as I can about the cultural tapestry of Mexico, exploring its history, traditions, and contemporary dynamics through books and frequent trips to my parent’s native land in Oaxaca, Mexico.
My first week in college… was when I realized I wanted to pursue a career in computer science. Before that, I was unsure what I wanted to dedicate myself to. That was until I wrote my first program and discovered all the incredible things possible through computer programming.