Honors Student Statistics
We welcome you to use these stats to better understand the UW Honors Program. We do our best to keep these stats and charts up-to-date and accurate. Please visit UW’s Student Data website to get official statistics about the University.
The charts in this section reflect the stats for students enrolled in Interdisciplinary, College, and Departmental Honors, unless noted otherwise.
Notes: See information about Federal Race/Ethnicity Category* below.
First-Year Admissions Stats
Residency: This breakdown splits the students according to their residency, classifies by 'Resident', Domestic 'Non-Resident', or 'International'. Classification is determined by RCW 28B.15.012.
Resident students are often referred to as 'in-state' students, they are students who live in the state of Washington and meet the residency requirements.
Domestic 'Non-Resident' students are US Citizens or Permanent Residents.
International students are not a US Citizen, not a student visa holder, and not a resident of WA state or are students who have a F1 student visa.
FRC: High School Free/Reduced Lunch percentage. This data is based on available data from UW's Student Data. Not all schools may have their FRC data reported.
Notes: See information about Federal Race/Ethnicity Category* below.
* Federal Race/Ethnicity Category: This breakdown categorizes the students according to their IPEDS defined race/ethnicity category based on Federal Reporting Guidelines. See IPEDS Race and Ethnicity for more information, click here.
** Underrepresented Minority (URM) Status: Federally recognized Underrepresented Minority populations. A student will be considered part of an Underrepresented Minority if that student reports belonging to one or more of the following ethnic/racial groups: African American, American Indian/
Alaska Native, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or Latino/Hispanic).
For more information about Diversity Statistics & Policies at UW, click here.