Brook Kelly
UW Honors Staff

Brook Kelly
Assistant Director
Director of Strategy and Operations
Here in Honors I… work on operations, admissions, scholarships, international programs, advising students and much more. I’ve worked for the Honors Program for many years, so have done just about everything there is to do here and am always happy to help!
I like thinking about & studying… gender equality, national parks, human rights, maternal health, tramping the high country, zymurgy, global & local politics, traveling to remote places, growing my own food, cooking & canning, reading (good fiction & outdoor adventure stories are my favorites), and working on my house.
My first week in college… I managed to sit through an entire hour of the wrong class because I was too embarrassed to get up & leave when the instructor said “Anyone who isn’t here for Poli Sci 200 should leave now.” Turns out I was in the right place – just an hour early!
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