Honors News Archive

News in Brief

2013 Bonderman Travel Fellowship Application

Nov 19, 2012

Dear Honors students,

We write to share an extraordinary opportunity for travel, discovery, and challenge. The 2013 Bonderman Travel Fellowship application is now available and we encourage you to consider applying. Graduate and professional students, undergraduate students in the University Honors Program (of junior and senior credit standing), and undergraduate students in UW Tacoma’s Global Honors Program (of junior and senior credit standing) in good standing are eligible for this opportunity.

David Bonderman - the donor - wishes to give students an opportunity to experience learning and growth in new and unexpected ways. Bonderman Fellows will undertake international travel on their own for eight months, to six or more countries in two or more major regions of the world. Through solo travel the Fellows will focus on exploration and discovery, learning about the world and themselves in it.

Up to seven graduate and seven undergraduate Bonderman Fellowships will be awarded in Spring 2013. Each Fellowship carries a $20,000 award to be used only for extended solo international travel. Fellows may not conduct research, pursue an academic project, or participate in a formal program or organization.

To learn more about this extraordinary opportunity, please attend one of the following information sessions.

The application deadline is Monday, February 11, 2013 at 12 noon (PST).

Information about the fellowship and the application can be found at: http://depts.washington.edu/bondermn

If you do not have the chance to attend one of the information sessions and you have questions about this award, graduate/professional students may contact either Helene Obradovich (helene@uw.edu) or Marilyn Gray (megray@uw.edu) in The Graduate School Office of Fellowships and Awards, and undergraduate students can contact Brook Kelly (bbkelly@uw.edu) in The University Honors Program. Please review the Bonderman Fellowship FAQ prior to contacting us.