Honors News Archive

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Honors Summer in Sierra Leone Info Session

Jan 20, 2010

Join Program Directors Brook Kelly and Clarke Speed on Thursday, Jan 28th at 3:30 for a general information session to learn more about the 2010 Sierra Leone program "Ethnographic Methods & the Production of a Rural-Urban Continuum."

The University Honors Program and the African Studies Program at the University of Washington Seattle are pleased to to offer an intensive ethnographic theory and method study abroad program based in Magbaiamba N'donhanhu chiefdom in Northern Sierra Leone, West Africa during Summer 2010. Our work over this intensive period will be as much research based as it is experiential transformation. Students accepted to the Sierra Leone 'seminar' community will initiate seed projects that build a foundation for larger, longitudinal studies that hopefully culminate in graduate and professional work; moreover, we will work to grasp and analyze complex spaces and signs of cultural, colonial, and historical alterity that force students to stare beyond the abyss of self into the depth of human struggle and difference.

Learn more about the Honors Summer in Sierra Leone program »