HSAP Presents: Honors Baking Competition
Feb 2, 2010
When: Thursday February 18, 2010
Contact: jiadai.dong@gmail.com
Can you bake a mean soufflé or cupcakes to die for? If you can, show off your skills in the Honors Bake-Off! If you can't, come eat delicious treats and vote for your favorites! The Grand-Prize category will be "Most Delicious" with additional winners to be chosen for each of the following categories:
- Most Original
- Most Attractive
- All you Need is Love (Best Valentine's Day Theme)

Official Contest Rules:
- Must provide a minimum of 30 servings (at least large bite-sizes) in one of the above categories for popular voting.
- Deliver your baked goods to the Honors Office on Thursday, February 18th by 4:45 pm for 5:00 pm judging. (You may drop it off earlier, but no refrigeration guaranteed.)
- Must provide a printed list of all ingredients (though you do not have to disclose the proportions of your recipe).
- Please email Daisy Dong at jiadai.dong@gmail.com with your entry name and list of ingredients by 12:00 noon February 11th to register as an official Honors Bake-Off Contestant!
Everyone is welcome to come and judge your favorite, root for your friends and savor the free dessert too!