Graduate Profiles

Autumn 2014 - Summer 2015

The Honors Program salutes its graduates!

Welcome! Please join us in celebrating University of Washington's Honors graduates for the 2014-15 academic year. Below you will find a list of some College, Departmental, and Interdisciplinary Honors students who have completed, or are about to complete, their degrees here at University of Washington. We invite you to view their profiles to find out more about these remarkable individuals and their exciting plans for the future!


The Honors Staff

(2013-14 graduate profiles are still available here)

Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Materials Science and Engineering
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Mechanical Optimization of RF Composite Aerogels
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Enjoying no school while celebrating with my family on vacation!
... One year after graduating?
Employed as a process/materials science and engineering. Investigating failures and altering processes in order to eliminate defects.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Medical Anthropology and Global Health
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Packing for India
... One year after graduating?
Working at a global health organization, applying for graduate school and continuing to travel the world
... Ten years after graduating?
Living, learning and growing
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
From the unique and interdisciplinary classes to the tight knit community and beyond, Honors has been a huge part of my college experience by helping me grow to become the person I am today.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of all the opportunities Honors has to offer!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Winter 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Japanese Language and Literature
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Working with Japanese industry here in lovely Seattle!
... One year after graduating?
Preparing to go to Japan...
... Ten years after graduating?
Somewhere in the world, ideally playing music of some kind!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Some really great teachers and some excellent discussion based coursework
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Do lots of things! Take advantage of whatever experiences come your way
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Summer 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Law, Societies, and Justice (Minor Philosophy)
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Honor-based violence and Orientalism
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Deploying newly-acquired swimming skills after a long hike
... One year after graduating?
Finagling some advocacy skills outta law school (double dawg, fingers crossed!)
... Ten years after graduating?
On the moon (Or putting those advocacy skills to good use on a transnational level)
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors made undergrad a Bigger Picture affair - more than one discipline for an issue, more than academics for undergrad, more than the status quo. It's given me hilarious, inspiring comrades, commitment to intellectual vigor, and the kindest support system of advisers (love you ladies).
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
"You have the same amount of hours in the day as Beyonce." If you don't feel shook, fired up, or unsure when you're learning, go deeper. Heck, change your major. Discomfort isn't bad. The people who make up Honors are your biggest champions - don't be afraid to trust and lean on them.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Computer Science
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending a relaxing day at home with my dogs before my internship starts the next day.
... One year after graduating?
Graduating from UW with a Masters in Computer Science. Then I'll probably travel around Europe for a bit before starting a full time job as a Software Engineer.
... Ten years after graduating?
Working on some cool product/technology that doesn't exist yet!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I was able to merge an experiential learning project with a project related to my major. I gained a ton of experience that might help me in my career and got to help out a nonprofit at the same time! I don't think I would have done any of that without taking that particular Honors course.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
If you can manage to get an internship, do it! It's a great learning experience and can be super fun. You'll make tons of friends from around the world who share a common interest with you. That's pretty cool. It's always good to try out your potential career before committing to it, too.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
In Seattle
... One year after graduating?
In Orange County
... Ten years after graduating?
I don't want to know!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors program unearthed interests and passions I had no idea I possessed and gave me the resources to pursue these interests long-term and outside of the classroom.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take risks with the classes you choose.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Business: Marketing and Sales
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
At Ben & Jerry's.
... One year after graduating?
Working at the Boeing Company as a member of their Business Career Foundation Program.
... Ten years after graduating?
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't take yourself too seriously.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Biochemistry
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduation I will be starting to pack for my trip to Taiwan with my freshman roommate I met on the Lander 8 Honors floor.
... One year after graduating?
One year after graduating I hope to be visiting my family in Norway and getting ready to start medical school in Fall.
... Ten years after graduating?
In ten years, I see myself finished with my Residency, perhaps working on a Fellowship, practicing medicine and hopefully starting a family.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors program gave me a personal, interdiciplinary educational perspective, which was an excellent balance to my pre-med classes. I met some of my best friends through the Honors community.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Comparative Religion, Linguistics
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Religion: "Religious Ecstasy as Religious Adaptation" Linguistics: "A Phonological Approach to the Tetragrammaton"
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Keep on keeping on.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Public Health and Anthropology
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Grilling and swimming with family and friends!
... One year after graduating?
Living in south Seattle with a little back yard garden, planning an extended vacation to South America or to hike the PCT. Thinking about jumping ship in the next year and moving to Hawaii or California, hopefully with some new knowledge and transferable job skills!
... Ten years after graduating?
Living the good life! Grad school?
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has allowed me to expand focus to what I am passionate about and meet new and engaging people within and outside of the UW community.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Just keep swimming little fishies, it will be worth it when you are finished, but never forget to make time for yourself and family.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Summer 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Business Administration, Accounting Option
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Working at Impel NeuroPharma as a full time accountant.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Biology Physiology
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Mobilization of Blasts and Leukemia Stem Cells by Anti-CXCR4 Antibody BMS-936564 (MDX 1338) in Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Taking a breather for once and spending some well needed time with my friends and family, while making sure to eat lots and lots of good food.
... One year after graduating?
Studying hard and working 12 hour clinical days in the Accelerated Bachelors of Nursing program at Oregon Health & Sciences University in Portland, as well as writing my thesis for the Gerontology Nursing Honors Program at the school.
... Ten years after graduating?
Working as an Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner back in Washington, living somewhere on the Olympic Peninsula and finally getting a French bulldog.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
It taught me how to really push myself and how to get the most out of the classes that I had already enjoyed so much through the Ad Hoc Honors projects that I completed. It also helped me develop relationships with my professors beyond the surface level of interaction.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
To not wait until the last minute to get all of your Honors requirements done. I known many students who waited until their last quarter to complete their last Ad Hoc Honors project, write their thesis, and present at the symposium and they were very stressed.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Political Science
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending time with my friends before they all leave for their summer internships, and with my family that came over to celebrate with me. I will also be preparing to TA CSE 142 over the summer!
... One year after graduating?
Applying to graduate programs - I have a variety of interests, including Political Science, Education, and Computer Science. I would like a program that can blend as many of these interests as possible.
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be teaching Computer Science to high school students. I would like to introduce CS to high school students so that they have the opportunity to explore it from a young age. Also, 10 years from now, I will be congratulating my little sister on graduating from high school! Go Autumn!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The honors community - shoutout to Lander 8! - was the highlight of my undergraduate experience. I immediately felt at home and have made lifelong friends. Honors also gave me access to classes that taught me to think in unique ways, and to challenge the status quo.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of all of the opportunities Honors provides. Fully embrace the college experience, and let Honors help with that. Take interesting classes, use the Honors advisers, and do not be afraid to try new things. You never know what you may end up really enjoying.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Visual Communication Design
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I'll be eating a huge stack of pancakes at brunch with my family.
... One year after graduating?
I'll be here in Seattle, working for a design firm downtown. Huzzah for using my major!
... Ten years after graduating?
Europe? Africa? Who even knows.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I met my best friends on the 8th floor of Lander, the honors floor. Even though all the other floors hated us, I know in my heart that it's because we were the coolest people in the building.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Public Health, Sociology
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
At my brother's graduation from SU's MIT program! It's a double grad year for my family. And then we'll go somewhere delicious to overeat and celebrate, I'm sure.
... One year after graduating?
In Rochester, New York, finishing up a service year with AmeriCorps. My program is in education and I'll be helping with targeted tutoring as well as after-school programming. I leave in September and end in August. Currently bracing myself for the most intense winter I will have ever experienced!
... Ten years after graduating?
I have no idea. At 31, I could be anywhere, and that excites me.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I'm glad that Honors provided us with small class sizes so we could connect to faculty and to each other. One of my favorite classes at UW was an Honors science course where we took field trips every week. The commitment to community is obvious in Honors' mission!
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Live in the moment. Don't get so lost in your studies (or in other commitments) that you forget to enjoy your time here at UW. Try things out of your comfort zone!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Social Welfare
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I'll be at home relaxing before I start my summer job.
... One year after graduating?
I will be finishing up my graduate program for my MSW at Washington University in St. Louis.
... Ten years after graduating?
I'll hopefully be pursuing my Ph.D to eventually teach at a University.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I value the interdisciplinary thinking that lend towards helping me discover and further explore my passions with small classroom sizes.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of all that Honors has to offer from advisers to study abroad!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Interleukin-6 Plays a Multivariate Role in Response to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I'm going to Banff National Park with my mom to hike and celebrate
... One year after graduating?
Enjoying my time off from school while working in a research lab at Seattle Children's Research Institute
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully I will be beginning my career as a physician, enjoying the great outdoors and traveling as much as possible.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors program connected me with some of the most amazing professors at UW and allowed me to explore topics outside of my major. Through my Honors classes I developed interests I'm not sure I would have otherwise.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take a class with Jon Herron and Frances McCue, make an effort to get to know at least one of your professors outside the classroom, and take a class about something you've never heard of before.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
On the redeye back to New York City, working for Ernst & Young in their Northeast Assurance practice.
... One year after graduating?
Graduating from the University of Notre Dame's Masters of Accountancy Program and studying for the CPA exam back in Seattle.
... Ten years after graduating?
Enjoying life with family and friends after living around the world while pursuing my passion of business and strategic decision making and enabling positive change in the world through this passion.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Linguistics and Speech and Hearing Sciences
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Multilingual Influence and Style-Shift in the Speech of Rachel Jeantel
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I'll be outside in the sun not worrying about how long I can stay out while still managing to finish all of my research and school work.
... One year after graduating?
I'll be completing post-treatment testing with research subjects after spending nine months in Madrid assisting in a bilingual language acquisition research project involving collaboration between the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (I-LABS) and the Spanish Ministry of Education.
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to spend my days working as a Speech Pathologist or Research Scientist and my nights lounging with my dog (and maybe my family).
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The UW Honors program provides so many opportunities for its students. Through the Honors program, I have met some of my closest friends at the university, completed a thesis and research project with an amazing advisor, and received support and advising in all aspects of my college career.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Enjoy every minute of your time at the university and as a part of this program!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Neurobiology and Biochemistry
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
The effects of therapeutic intraspinal microstimulation and chondroitinase ABC on muscle fiber type transition following spinal cord injury
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Going on a road trip with my friends through Canada, on our way to Banff national park.
... One year after graduating?
I'm spending the next year in Washington DC in a postbac program at the NIH researching congenital autoimmune disorders.
... Ten years after graduating?
Finishing up my residency after completing an MD PhD program.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
My departmental honors program gave me an opportunity to further my research through research credits and also learn how to take an individual research project to completion. Without the honors thesis requirement, I doubt that I would have had the opportunity to write a scientific paper.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Just make sure to have fun, don't stress out about the honors designation.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Accounting and Marketing
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I expect to be at home with my family, since they will be coming all of the way from Germany to see me graduate. With the little time that we have together, I hope to spend every minute with them.
... One year after graduating?
One year later, I actually expect to be graduating again, only this time from the UW MPAcc program! As such, I will still be in Seattle for a few more years.
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to continue working in public accounting for ten years, but not necessarily in Seattle. My dream is to do a transfer to either Japan or Italy and work in those locations in my early thirties.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The biggest impact that Honors has had for me is giving me the ability to take courses outside of the business school. I was exposed to a variety of amazing and exciting classes that I would have never been able to take without Honors. I also made some very close friendships and memories.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
I think that they should just enjoy their undergrad careers by taking the most challenging and interesting classes that they can find. The Honors program has so much variety, and they shouldn't take that for granted. They should also enjoy the walk to Mary Gates; I miss it very much!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
If I'm being totally honest, I'll be napping.
... One year after graduating?
Preparing to go to medical school!
... Ten years after graduating?
Practicing medicine for real!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has helped me meet some of the best people I know, and that really made my college experience.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Really think about the concept of interdisciplinary learning and what it can mean for you. Even if you're a tried and true STEM major like I am, you can apply what you learn in your humanities classes anywhere.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
International Studies
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduating I'll be on a plane to start an internship at the Concordia Summit in New York! Hopefully this will lead to more opportunities to work in human rights advocacy through diverse outlets in the most international city in the US!
... One year after graduating?
I'm hoping to spend most of the next year traveling and working at various capacities throughout the world (ski bumming, scuba diving). I'm currently applying to a few international Master's fellowships which begin fall of 2016- so hopefully I'll be starting one of those in either Ireland or China.
... Ten years after graduating?
I'm still looking for a happy medium between surfer-artist-ex-pat living in a tiny Central American town, and hard-hitting New York journalist/ angsty social justice advocate. Something with elements of both would be ideal.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors is a great way to actually enjoy learning things. During my undergraduate experience I could barely reflect on what I was doing with my time because there was so little of it. In honors classes, you're in a more laid back, detail-focused environment which is a welcome change.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
I mean, enjoy the randomness. Soak up details of things you'll probably never learn about again but can, for 10 short weeks, develop a genuine interest in simply for the sake of learning.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Business, Psychology
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Paying back a teeny-tiny bit of my sleep debt.
... One year after graduating?
Flying places to places as an HR consultant for EY.
... Ten years after graduating?
When I'm 32?! Yikes, that's a good question.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has provided me the opportunity to connect with two amazing professors - Frances, for helping me develop my writing skills & Raj, for helping me become the business person I am today. Thank you!
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Keep your eyes, ears, and mind open - the whole world is a classroom. Learn from other generations - from the wisdom of elders and the imagination of children. Keep a childlike sense of wonder and curiosity.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Political Science, English, Communications
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
How To Be A Good Ally: A Guide To Dismantling Colorblindness, White Normativity, And Everyday Racism Without Erasing Oppressed Voices
Where do you expect to be...
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One year after graduating?
Graduating again from the Masters of Professional Accounting program in Taxation!
... Ten years after graduating?
I honestly have no clue - but I know I will be doing something I am passionate for.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Taking honors classes has allowed me to expand my perspectives of the world and learn more about topics that I would never learn about in the business school.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take the opportunity to travel and try new things - even if it is in the U.S or somewhere nearby. There are a lot of great opportunities for traveling and one thing I regret is not taking advantage of those opportunities more often.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Public Health and Philosophy
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending time with family and friends and getting ready for my sister's graduation from high school!
... One year after graduating?
I have plans to backpack around Europe with my sister for two months and then will likely be looking for an apartment in London before starting graduate school!
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to have my PhD and be working to prevent waterborne infectious disease around the world. Hopefully in between work and spending time with my wonderful family I will be able to continue traveling, hiking, taking photos, reading, and writing!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I really enjoyed being able to take graduate level seminars in the philosophy department. Given the smaller setting in which the seminars were offered, I got to know my professors and fellow students personally and really benefited academically from their insights and contributions.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
I think one of the most salient things I've learned as a philosophy student is to respect and embrace time. It is both one's biggest enemy and ally. We must constantly remind ourselves not to become complacent while remembering not to rush. Striking the right balance with time is invaluable.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Biology: Cell, Molecular, Developmental
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
The role of Peroxiredoxin 2 in cell protection against renal fibrosis
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Back in lab
... One year after graduating?
Finishing up the first year of my PhD program (biomedical)
... Ten years after graduating?
Researching metabolic bone diseases, hopefully as a newly minted principal investigator
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
It has encouraged me to grow as a researcher and has provided me with a support network of friends and fellow intellectual curiosity seekers. It has provided me with further academic opportunities beyond normal departmental requirements.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't forget to play and enjoy the world around you, match your intellectual exercise with physical exercise, and use this time to prepare for the next chapter in your life without dwelling too firmly on what comes next. Cultivate a variety of happy and healthy relationships. Don't settle for less.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Getting ready to leave for Ethiopia.
... One year after graduating?
Living in Australia.
... Ten years after graduating?
Working for a non-profit somewhere (anywhere) in the world.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors gave me the opportunity to explore who I was academically beyond just my major or my minor, in a way that taught me to interact with the world in critical, eager, and all-consuming fashion.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't be afraid to make choices that don't seem to fit with your "plan"--take that random class, go on that selfish trip, and choose the spontaneous adventure.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Finishing medical school applications
... One year after graduating?
Preparing to attend medical school! And thinking about cat adoption...
... Ten years after graduating?
Growing my own food, writing, and practicing medicine
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The interdisciplinary Honors program exposed me to students from a variety of majors, and it showed me dialogues that can happen between the arts and sciences that I would not have otherwise found.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Seize the opportunities that you have in UW Honors, and make interdisciplinary connections here that challenge the ways you think.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Celebrating with friends and family and packing my bags for England!
... One year after graduating?
Preparing to go to medical school.
... Ten years after graduating?
I'll let you know when I find out! I hope to make a difference in the lives of others while being happy at the same time.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors allowed me to take very focused, highly specialized classes that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to take within my major field. I appreciate the perspectives I gained from these classes. Both the adhoc option and the required experiential learning requirement also encouraged me to make meaningful connections with professors and apply my learning in a novel and valuable way.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Stay organized, and you really can conquer all!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
B.S. Computer Science, B.A. Biochemistry
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
... One year after graduating?
Working with the network and data security team at Boeing!
... Ten years after graduating?
At the helm of my own tech startup which has experienced runaway growth and success!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
So many incredible people. RAing for the Honors floor my 2nd year was the best experience I could've asked for. So many unforgettable times's an indescribable feeling seeing my rezzies go on to do amazing things. I will also never forget HSAP: making a tangible impact on my community!
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Study abroad sometime during your undergraduate career. If you RA during the year, go for a summer study abroad. If you're interested in research, start early, as early as first year. Email the PI with a cover letter, resume, and WHEN YOU CAN MEET THEM. Make it easy for them to get in touch w/ you.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Psychology (BS), Public Health (BS)
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
The Effect of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Child-Guardian Relationship Among Trauma-Exposed Orphans in Tanzania
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Playing on a beach in Miami, perhaps attempting to surf!
... One year after graduating?
Continuing to work at the Evidence-Based Practice Institute in Seattle.
... Ten years after graduating?
Who knows? Hopefully I'll be a returned Peace Corps volunteer, with a fulfilling career in the field of public mental health.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Anthropology- Medical Anthropology and Global Health
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Health in the Seattle Somali Refugee Population
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
On my way to Yellowstone!
... One year after graduating?
Running my own dog walking business.
... Ten years after graduating?
Having graduated with my master's degree, working in the field of prosthetics and orthotics.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't give up! This is how you make your education personal.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
MCD Biology & Biochemistry
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Role of tyrosine metabolism on ageing in C. elegans
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I will be at home making up for four years of lost sleep.
... One year after graduating?
I will be in medical school!
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be a doctor, a scientist, a teacher, a humanitarian, a traveler, and so much more by then. I don't know where that'll take me in ten years, but I'm sure I'll like it.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Smaller classroom sizes and research experience, I believe, are something every UW student should take advantage of. I couldn't have dreamed of working in a lab that studies ageing before I even finish my undergraduate degree. It has been an amazing opportunity!
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Have a life too. I was so indulged in my academics at first that I forgot to enjoy anything else during my first two years. There are a lot of educational, yet fun, activities and opportunities around on campus.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Biochemistry, Neurobiology
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Genetic Investigations of the Ergosterol Biosynthesis Pathway in Trypanosoma cruzi
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Enjoying a full day with friends and family without the burden of any upcoming assignments in the back of my head. Also, sleep.
... One year after graduating?
I plan to be heavily intertwined in the Medical School process and continuing working in research.
... Ten years after graduating?
I would like to be a practicing physician and be on my way to be heavily involved in Doctors without Borders or working in education as a part-time professor.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The largest impact from the Honors program for me was that it fostered a community of ambitious individuals. As I see my peers around me working hard and achieving their goals, it drives me to continue to work hard and reach my goals.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
The most valuable experiences you get from college will not be from your classes. Get out there and get involved.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Comparative History of Ideas, Communication
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending time with friends and family and trying not to panic about the fact that I just graduated from college.
... One year after graduating?
Finishing up a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Romania and preparing to enter graduate school in the fall.
... Ten years after graduating?
Doing a better job of pretending like I know what I'm doing.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Many of my favorite classes at UW were within the Interdisciplinary Honors program. Honors provided me with an important place for self-reflection and helped me foster the ability to make meaningful connections across concepts, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Never accept that you've found "the answer."
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
A Study of RICE and NSAIDs in the Context of Movement and Injury
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I am planning on relaxing in Seattle and spending time with my newly graduated friends!
... One year after graduating?
I expect to be finishing up my first year in the NUIN graduate program and to be in the process of choosing a PhD thesis lab to work in for the next 5 years. I also will hopefully be getting a pet and moving into a nice apartment!
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be a neuroscience researcher working in the field of medical technology, either through developing these technologies or testing their efficacy. I also hope to be in a stable job that allows me to continue my relationships with my friends and family and also be able to travel frequently.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors Program at UW has encouraged me to think about the interdisciplinary nature of both my academic and personal life. I have learned to think more deeply about all aspects of my life, and I am more open to unfamiliar but potentially enriching experiences that I may encounter.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Your undergraduate career is a time for academic, professional and personal growth. These few years as an undergraduate will fly by, so be take advantage of any opportunity to experience new situations, and be honest to yourself about your interests and goals.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Summer 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Economics, Mathematics
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I will be relaxing at home, hopefully laying in my hammock, recharging before summer quarter begins!
... One year after graduating?
I hope to be living abroad, serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in West Africa.
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be working in a career that both challenges and excites me.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The honors program helped me realize the larger purpose of higher education and provided me the opportunity to study the same topics through different academic lenses. Studying abroad with the Honors Program was one of the highlights and most defining experiences of my undergraduate career.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of all of the incredible opportunities that the honors program provides. Take classes that are outside of your comfort zone and allow yourself to take risks both inside and outside of the classroom.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Summer 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Mathematical Economics Option)
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Relaxing below the Seattle summer sun!
... One year after graduating?
Working a job that I love and maybe even traveling internationally for a vacation
... Ten years after graduating?
Happy and everyday learning something new!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has provided me with a smaller community within the huge school that is UW. The Honors classes have had the biggest impact on me - I was able to take nonstandard classes that made me think about the world I live in and my potential to change it.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Talk to your professors! You never know when one will offer you a research position or help you network.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Anthropology and LSJ: Law, Societies and Justice
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Constructing Choice: Sex Politics, Feminism, and Legal Policy IN SEATTLE
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Packing to move to Cambodia for a year!
... One year after graduating?
Entering Law School for public interest service work
... Ten years after graduating?
Working as lawyer and educator, working to create social change through policy change, restorative legal justice, and community based education.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors program has given me community, helped me discover my passion for teaching, and connected me with amazing mentors and advisers.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Shape your own education. Despite major and distribution requirements, every student has the opportunity to craft their own education through research, community involvement, and leadership. These four years are what you make them, so make them something worth remembering.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Summer 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Interaction Design
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after the graduation ceremony I will be packing to go to Amsterdam for my final quarter. After actually graduating? Who knows- probably job shopping!
... One year after graduating?
One year after graduation I hope to be in a new city (temporarily), and working in a design studio.
... Ten years after graduating?
Oh boy... Ten years after graduation I hope to have gone back to school to obtain a graduate degree (in what is still to be determined).
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has exposed me to classes I never would have otherwise considered. It has also inspired me to travel to wonderful places. All of my Honors experiences continue to fuel either personal interests or design related pursuits.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Dear academically younger (and probably more organized) versions of me, A due date is not Armageddon. Stress is normal but not necessary. You've made it this far and that is awesome! Smile. You will graduate and my goodness, it will feel amazing to finally say, "I did it!" Just keep swimming!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Relaxing with my family at home! It's my favorite place to be.
... One year after graduating?
Working in Seattle, or maybe traveling abroad--I'm not sure yet!
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully still working in Seattle, ideally working in public policy.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I really enjoyed the opportunities in Honors to take focused classes and to connect with other students and professors. There are so many amazing and driven faculty and students in this program, and it was awesome to be able to learn from and with them.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of new opportunities and always push yourself to try something different. So many things happened to me that I didn't expect because I applied for something I didn't think I get, or went to something I wasn't sure I'd like. You can do so much if you reach out!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Biochemistry and Chemistry
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Colorectal Cancer Detection using targeted serum metabolic profiling
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I plan to spend time with my family and friends and catch up on all the shows and movies that had been put off during finals week. Then I will venture off to a family trip up in Canada where we will be going sight seeing and exploring. All while soaking in the fact that I just graduated.
... One year after graduating?
I plan to be finishing conducting clinical trial research at Stanford Medical School on oncology research (a position I have set up for the upcoming year) and will be planning to enter medical school. Simultaneously I plan to travel new parts of the world and continue to meet influential people.
... Ten years after graduating?
I plan to be practicing medicine as a licensed doctor!! I also plan to own a house and car any get my life on the move.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has taught me the value of peer relations and community involvement. It has helped me stay on track for my four years at the University of Washington and grow as both a student and an Individual. I would definitely recommend students to aspire to be part of this wonderful program.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Be boundless.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Neurobiology & Psychology
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
The Role of Chronic Intermittent Alcohol Exposure on Risk-Taking Behavior
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduating I expect to be at Arizona State University for Teach for America Phoenix Institute.
... One year after graduating?
One year after graduating I expect to be teaching High School Science in rural New Mexico.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years after graduating I expect to be practicing medicine in rural community.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors department has allowed me to focus on what I am truly passionate about and to take what I learned in the classroom and apply it to the real world.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of all of the opportunities offered at the University of Washington.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Creating an Empowering Classroom Discourse through "Great Expectations"
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduation, I will be celebrating with my family and friends, hopefully enjoying some delicious food and drinks somewhere in Seattle.
... One year after graduating?
One year after graduating, will be continuing my volunteer work with Seattle Public Schools and preparing for graduate school in pursuit of my Master's in Teaching. I will also have just returned from my first solo backpacking trip around Europe.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years after graduating, I hope I will be making positive change in the world through sharing my passion for engaging and effective English education.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors program allowed me to combine all of my interests in academia in a meaningful way. My experience in the Honors program has been unlike any other I've had at UW, and has helped me reach intellectual heights I didn't know I was capable of.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take full advantage of all the perks the Honors program has to offer you, especially the one-on-one time you can get with notable faculty in your areas of interest.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Political Science
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Re-Imagining the American Nation: A Post-Racial Struggle to 'Race' Undocumented Students
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I will be balancing LSAT studying and camping.
... One year after graduating?
In one year I expect to be in law school, or perhaps a joint JD - PhD program.
... Ten years after graduating?
In ten years I hope to see myself in public office. Whether this is at the federal or state level, I want to stay in public service.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Departmental Honors program provided an endlessly rewarding curriculum and learning experience as well as a great group of friends.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Intern for a non-profit, a public office, or anywhere you can develop practical experience. This is when you truly learn the value of your education, and get a better understanding about the type of work you want to do after graduation.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Coalition-Building in Mixed-Income Neighborhoods
Where do you expect to be...
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Accounting Scandals & Frauds
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending time with friends just reflecting over college!
... One year after graduating?
Completing Graduate School!
... Ten years after graduating?
That is so far away!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors program allowed me to explore and discover interests that I would not have been able to if I was not in the program. What other program allows its students to study Astrobiology one day and Bollywood movies the next?
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't be afraid to try new things. You are only an undergraduate once!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Visual Normalization to Natural Scenes
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I will be travelling to Europe with my girlfriend for a couple of weeks. We will spend time in Amsterdam and Paris!
... One year after graduating?
I plan to be working in a research lab and playing music in local ensembles. I will be taking classes and the GRE in preparation for graduate programs.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years after graduation, I think I would like to work at a university, teaching and running a research lab. Hopefully I'll be able to work for UW because I'd love to stay in the area. Who knows what the future will be like? It's hard to plan so far in advance.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Departmental honors gave me the opportunity to contribute my own ideas and test my own hunches in a research laboratory. Because I enjoy this experience so much, I am now considering graduate programs.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
A Study of Twins of Individuals with Autism: Heritability of Pragmatic Language Ability in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending quality time with my beloved family and friends (under the sun!)
... One year after graduating?
Working with children with autism as a research study assistant
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully, working as a post-doc in a lab after getting my PhD in Child Clinical Psychology
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
It opened my eyes to the field of autism research, which is something I am extremely passionate about now. I hope to use the skills and knowledge that I have obtained as an Honors student when I become a researcher - to enhance the quality of life of individuals with autism and their families.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Make sure to devote your time to what you are sincerely passionate about. And don't hesitate to ask for help and advice from your mentors. Lastly, commit yourself with diligence and humbleness when you are working with the people in the lab, and ENJOY! :)
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Public Health
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
The Effects of Inadequate Sleep among Adolescents in King County: A Systematic Review
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduating I set sail for Alaska on a 7 day cruise! I have always wanted to explore the Mendenhall Ice Caves and finally have the time to do so.
... One year after graduating?
One year after graduating I will be getting married in Greece. From there, we will explore Southern Europe by backpacking through Italy, France and Spain!
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years after graduating I hope to be working as a Regional Safety Manager at Amazon. To think just a few weeks ago I had no clue where I would be in 10 years, but now after recently being hired by Amazon as a Safety Specialist, this could be a real possibility.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has empowered me to be an active stakeholder in education on an intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional level.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Get involved on campus in something you have never tried before. Most people will tell you to get involved with something you are passionate about, but likely you are already doing that on other platforms. Try something new out of curiosity.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Does a person's level of knowledge about a criminal case impact their view on whether the suspect is guilty or innocent?
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Hibernating and/or basking in the sun
... One year after graduating?
Ideally, my internship at Bloomberg in NYC this fall will turn into a full-time position, and I'll be working there as a journalist.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years from now, I hope to be doing something I love that makes a positive impact on the world. I'd love to work for the Innocence Project or as a criminal investigator.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors Program is what kept me at the UW. After freshmen year, I was seriously considering transferring. What changed my mind was my Honors professors' passion for and dedication to learning. The Honors Program played a big part in making the UW more intimate and less intimidating.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take as many Honors classes as possible. All of my favorite classes were in the Honors Program. I also received my highest grades in Honors classes. Despite what many people think, they aren't always harder than regular UW classes. Oftentimes, they're just more intimate, interesting and engaging.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Public Health
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Food Insecurity Among Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in King County
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
On the plane en route to Brazil
... One year after graduating?
Working at a local community health center, applying for graduate school and discovering new things in Seattle
... Ten years after graduating?
At my dream job and traveling to each country on my bucket list
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The honors program allowed to explore my major in depth and discover my passion for my field.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Get involved in many internships and on campus activities as possible
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Economics / Mathematics
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
The Effects of Communication in Common Pool Resource Environments: Evidence from the Laboratory
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
On a plane to LA, then Athens and Amsterdam!
... One year after graduating?
In sunny Palo Alto pursuing an Economics Ph.D at Stanford!
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully doing cool research
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Challenge yourself -- but know your limits.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Translation as History-Writing: Disrupting Linearity Come Hell and Highwater
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Tackling the skyline of pleasure-reading books that have been stacking up over the last four years.
... One year after graduating?
Sitting in Pike Place Market, typing away as an editor for Chin Music Press. At this point I'll probably be working on three or so books per season.
... Ten years after graduating?
Working as an editor for Chin Music Press (at this point, handling every book for the season) and maybe exploring graduate programs in English literature to build on my thesis. I'll have published poems in journals by this point and will be putting together poetry and novel manuscripts of my own.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
You're going to be busy, but try and find meaningful things to fill the interstitial spaces in your schedule--whether that means day by day, week by week, or quarter by quarter. And by "meaningful," I mean "meaningful to you," not necessarily "fancy-schmancy, I can put this on my resume."
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
ERP Responses to Compound Violations in Native Chinese Speakers
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Sitting in an IMAX theater (re)watching Jurassic World.
... One year after graduating?
Finishing up my first year of graduate school in Taipei, Taiwan!
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully, happy and content.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
If I had not been a part of Honors, I would not be as happy as I am today. Being a part of the community introduced me to revolutionary ways of thought and beckoned me to dive deeper into discovering what is it I really want out of my life. It's an ongoing process, but it's also a very exciting one.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
If there is something you're considering doing right now, you should do it. Regret hurts much more when you're standing in the future and looking back at what could've, might've been in the past.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
The Role of the Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response in Aging and Health
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
At home, allowing the feeling that I finished college sink in slowly...
... One year after graduating?
Hopefully at medical school!
... Ten years after graduating?
Working at a hospital, playing with kids
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
UW Honors has taught me to appreciate wide range of studies, whether be it science or humanities.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Enjoy! While it lasts!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Business - Marketing, Design - Visual Communication Design
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduating i'll be on a plane on my way to a two and a half week graduation trip to Korea and Japan.
... One year after graduating?
One year after graduating I will be happily working at Airbnb as a Experience Designer in the Bay.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years after graduating I'd like to be working as a designer at a small start up either in the Bay or back up in Seattle.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has helped me think critically about my education and the real value I'm receiving by being part of such a large and supportive university.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Get involved and pour yourself into others—it makes the work feel lighter and it will change your entire college experience.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Relaxing at home in Seattle and cloudgazing, probably.
... One year after graduating?
Working at Adobe down in Fremont, likely cloudgazing.
... Ten years after graduating?
Uncertain, but with any hope, still cloudgazing.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors and its wonderful faculty helped me diversify my knowledge and excite me about the world.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't be intimidated -- learn about anything and everything that interests you. Along the way, you might just learn more about yourself more, too.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Biology (Molecular, Cellular, Developmental)
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Effects of Altered mTOR Signaling after Calorie Restriction and Rapamycin on Protein Translation and Aging
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
On a plane home to New Jersey!
... One year after graduating?
Working on my pharmacology PhD at Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully working in R&D at a pharmaceutical company
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors gave me the opportunity to learn a lot more than what I would have otherwise.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Start working on your honors requirements early! There's a lot more work to complete than you think.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of aging
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduating I will be celebrating with my friends and family, cleaning my room, and preparing to leave for a family reunion in Minnesota and a summer in Europe!
... One year after graduating?
I plan to be working in biotechnology, learning about the industry while making plans to go to grad school.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years is a long time from now. Whatever I find myself doing I hope that I have balance in my life, and that I am able to enjoy all of the things that I do and make the world better somehow.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors program gave me the opportunity to meet amazing people from across campus and to think about interesting ideas in different ways.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Find your people on campus. Maybe you will find them in the Honors community, maybe you will find them somewhere else, or maybe you'll find them in lots of places, but you won't get by without them and they will make every day an adventure.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
What affects probability of student drop out in developing countries: Evidence from Rural China
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Still here at Seattle. Will be having fun with friends and family members. Enjoy the beautiful sunshine.
... One year after graduating?
I might be working at a company that time and (hopefully) get the notice of which graduate school to attend in the following fall.
... Ten years after graduating?
Might be operating a company with my best friends. Will also travel a lot.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Its a really cool program. I made a lot of good friends here and also get in touch with many awesome Professors. Wonderful experience that I will cherish in my life.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of the opportunity and learn the things that you are interested in. Enjoy the college life, have fun and make more friends.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Winter, 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Law, Societies, and Justice
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Life Without Parole and Extremely Long Sentences in Washington State
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduating, I will set my alarm to the song "You Make My Dreams Come True" by Hall & Oates, dance my way out of bed, and right out into my life.
... One year after graduating?
In one year, I expect to be in Seattle working at the University of Washington and thinking about returning to school!
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years after graduating, I hope to have found a career that I love in global health advocacy. I also hope to be doing a bit of glamorous world travel :)
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
My Honors experience at the University of Washington has been incredibly fulfilling and has enhanced my undergraduate experience. I am grateful to my wonderful LSJ Departmental Honors cohort of 2014-2015 for their brilliant minds and killer attitudes.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
I encourage current Honors undergraduates to work closely with their faculty supervisors to get as much out of the research experience as they possibly can. Honors at the UW is a remarkable opportunity, and I encourage all those eligible to pursue it.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Computer Science; Informatics
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I will be working only personal projects in Computer Science, and be getting to start at Indeed.
... One year after graduating?
I will be working at as a software engineer.
... Ten years after graduating?
I will be working in the software industry continuing to make cool things.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has been a great experience to be in and allowed me to have lots of fun classes to participate in.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Start early!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Political Science
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Contingent Claims: A Diverged Path Towards Palestinian Self-Determination
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
The beach with my family!
... One year after graduating?
Law school
... Ten years after graduating?
The United Nations
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has given me the skill to critically think. I was always pushed to think outside the box. I was always held to standards higher than I thought I could achieve. It has pushed me to always do better.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't forget about life in the process. It's easy to get swallowed up by all the work you have to do. But living your life is just as important as turning in your essay!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
"The disguise, I fear, is thin. But listen:" Buck Mulligan as Ulysses' master of ceremonies
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
... One year after graduating?
Grad school.
... Ten years after graduating?
Teaching at the University of Washington.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Being in Honors has made my undergraduate experience both more complicated and more difficult, but ultimately forced me to produce the best work I am capable of at this time. I wouldn't have achieved such heights otherwise.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Be adaptable, try to get a handle on your life management as soon as you can, and maybe don't work full-time on the side if you can help it. (And if you do end up having to work, I feel your pain.)
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Computer Science
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
OBA Research and Development
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
On a plane to Ireland & Scotland for a month.
... One year after graduating?
Working at Facebook, possibly on the Android team here in Seattle.
... Ten years after graduating?
By that time I will probably be in a position to start my own business. Not sure what it would be, but I suspect after 10 years working for other people in the industry I will be ready for something different.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I was pursuing College honors until my workload got too heavy to continue, but during that time I was exposed to many interesting classes that I definitely wouldn't have taken otherwise, topics ranging from oil spills, to Jerusalem, to Pirates.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Social Welfare
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Polyvictimization: Association's with Adult Women's Alcohol use
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Relaxing on the beach at Golden Gardens with my friends and family that made these past four years possible!
... One year after graduating?
Continuing my pursuit for social justice - be it through graduate school, furthering my research, or empowering individuals and communities through day to day work in the social service field.
... Ten years after graduating?
Engulfed in my dedication to and passion for empowering individuals and communities to overcome the barriers related the intersection between mental health, addiction and substance use, and social and public health policy.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Being in the Social Welfare Honors program challenged me to aspire higher, dig deeper into my passion, and strive to continue research with critical and lasting implications for women who have been victims of violence.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Be your true and ultimate self and the rest will follow.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Sping 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
BS: Physics, Biophysics; BS: Neurobiology; BA: Biochemistry
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Statistical Analysis of a Brain-Computer Interface Task
Where do you expect to be...
... One year after graduating?
Starting an MD/PhD program
... Ten years after graduating?
Finishing my MD/PhD and/or starting specialty training therein
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Computer Science
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending time with my family and enjoying the realization that I finished my undergraduate experience.
... One year after graduating?
Learning all sorts of cool new things about web development and mentoring a summer intern.
... Ten years after graduating?
Deciding to act upon an idea that has been brewing in my mind for the past few years and creating a startup.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Living on the Honors floor in Lander during my freshman year was one of the best decisions I made at UW. The people I met there have been so influential that I cannot imagine life without them.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take CSE 142. You might like it.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Medical Anthropology and Global Health
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Wrecked and Okay: Sexual Assault Healing and Organic Student Advocacy at the University of Washington
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
In Europe, celebrating graduating from college with my mom. She surprised me with three weeks in Europe, because 'you never know when you'll be this free again'.
... One year after graduating?
Employed. Ideally at a non-profit that works in global health or reproductive rights, and living in the greater Seattle area. Potentially with a new pet.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ideally happy with everything I've done with the previous 10 years, and still excited for the next 50.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Just keep swimming. Departmental honors can be the most rewarding, but also most challenging part of your college experience. Pick a topic that can take over your life, surround yourself with friends and mentors that can help carry you through, and then just keep swimming until you get to the end.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Bioe Outreach Science Fair
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Packing up my apartment and celebratory bike ride!
... One year after graduating?
Conducting research and taking neuro-engineering classes as a Fulbright scholar at the University of Freiburg in Freiburg Germany. Also enjoying the beautiful views in the neighboring Black Forest.
... Ten years after graduating?
In the beginning years as a PI of a neuro-prosthetic lab in Germany that works closely with clinical applications.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has made me realize that no matter what I do in the future, I want to instill some sort of mentorship in my daily life. Whether that be mentoring elementary students, high school students, or my graduate students when Im a PI, it will happen, and is a necessary aspect in all careers.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Keep going, do what you love, and don't get discouraged by failure. Find a mentor or a friend that motivates you to continually improve and reflect. Make time for yourself everyday to do something that you love so you dont get burned out.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Medical Anthropology and Global Health
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending some quality time with family and friends!
... One year after graduating?
Traveling through Europe before I begin dental school in the fall.
... Ten years after graduating?
Loving my career as a dentist and living a fulfilling life with my friends, family, and patients!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
UW Honors has given me the opportunity to explore my interests without limits! I've learned to see the world through different perspectives and I'm thankful for the unique experiences the program has provided me with these last four years.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Never stop learning and keep exploring until you discover what you're truly passionate about!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Medical Anthropology and Global Health
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
In Seattle
... One year after graduating?
Finishing up my first year of physical therapy school at UW!
... Ten years after graduating?
Fixing bodies as a physical therapist wherever this crazy life will take me!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has given me a space where my voice is heard and my ideas are valued. The ability to engage with my peers and professors within honors has been unlike any other experience at UW.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of the time you have because you won't believe how fast it goes!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Biology (B.S.) and International Studies (B.A.)
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Catching up on some sleep & resetting my circadian rhythm :)
... One year after graduating?
Back in the USA after a year of travelling and hopefully holding an acceptance letter to medical school!
... Ten years after graduating?
Using my MD to see patients, but also working in the global health community with organizations like the WHO and MÈdecins Sans FrontiËres (Doctors Without Borders).
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has let me explore my academic interests, even when they did not always fit with the classic pre-med path. I also met quite a few of my best friends from UW via the Honors Program, which (to me) shows the amount of influence it holds in shaping a smaller community within the university.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Explore! You have the unique opportunity to take classes on topics youíve never heard of before and getting credit for it. So follow your instincts, and give that history, art, or astronomy class a go!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Public Health
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Video advertisement project: Seattle Public Library, Homework Help
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
In the plane to New York. From there to Moscow. The final destination is home, Republic of Moldova.
... One year after graduating?
Be a mother and work for governmental, NGO or non-profit organization applying my public health knowledge and proudly using my BS degree from UW.
... Ten years after graduating?
I will have a Master's degree in public health or related field and work in a leadership position or significantly better position than with BS in the same or another non-profit organization, governmental organization or NGO.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I acquired communication, technological and leadership skills and desire to embrace the world .
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Challenge yourself!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduation, I expect to be eating copious amounts of food with friends and family while we talk about how the past few years have flown by.
... One year after graduating?
I will probably be working in a Seattle biotech company, and doing personal projects on the side, as I begin to look into graduate schools and figure out what I want to get my master's or PhD in.
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be done with my education, and working in a biotech company that is interesting enough to keep me eager to go to work, but not too interesting so I have a little time to spend playing outdoors!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I would like to thank the Honors program for all of the wonderful opportunities I have gotten over the past four years. From study abroad to classes blending scientific research and pop culture, this program has provided me with truly unique experiences I hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Find out what excites you. Find that subject or project that makes you put in the extra effort because you're just that passionate about it. Explore things you don't think you'll like, explore things you think you'll may be surprised and end up learning a lot about yourself!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Computer Science, Public Health
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Employing Mobile Data Collection Technology for HIV Testing and Counseling Programs in Kenya
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending time with friends and family and preparing for my summer adventures to Colorado and India.
... One year after graduating?
Developing software for the clinical and public health space at DF/Net Research.
... Ten years after graduating?
Finishing up a PhD and conducting research on technologies for social development.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has provided opportunities to take a wide range of classes and engage with students and professors on a more personal level. The Honors program's focus on interdisciplinary education compelled me to pursue a dual degree and combine my passion for public health and computer programming.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Political Science
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Rights Discourse and Women's Movements in Malaysia: An Ongoing Project
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
In my house in Bellevue catching up on some well needed sleep.
... One year after graduating?
Attending a law school on the East Coast, or enrolled in a PhD program for political theory.
... Ten years after graduating?
Writing a book on Malaysian feminism and group centered movements in my quaint townhouse with great space for a mini library. Hopefully my orange cat Hamlet is now in the picture.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has helped me to refine my research and writing skills with the thesis I was able to complete. The program also introduced me to some of the best faculty at the University of Washington, along with some great friends.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Talk to your honors classmates and get together with them outside of class. See your professors during office hours because they have great advice and are a good networking source. Sometimes class may seem challenging or out of your comfort zone, but its well worth it.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Photomedia and English (Creative Writing)
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Cleaning my room. It's a mess.
... One year after graduating?
I'm pursuing jobs that can help me move to London, where I want to live for at least a few years. One year from graduating I'd like to be on my way to getting that job, if not having already gotten it.
... Ten years after graduating?
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
English: Language and Literature, Communication
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Little Girls and Big Men: The Romance Narrative Explored Through the Sexual Coding of the Vampire Fantasy’s Hero and Heroine
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
This summer I will be studying in Europe for my third summer in a row. As a scandinavian studies minor and Finnish-American dual-citizen, I will be continuing my language studies in Finland at the University of Turku, with 31 other students from around the world!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors at UW has allowed me to pursue my interests alongside a close-knit group of students and encouraging professors. I feel so fortunate as an honors student to have been influenced by my fellow students and teachers to live up to my full potential as I graduate from UW. Thank you for everything!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Microbiology, Biology (MCD)
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Alcohols Stimulate Bacterial Biofilm Formation in P. aeruginosa
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Sleeping in!
... One year after graduating?
Applying for grad school to pursue a PhD.
... Ten years after graduating?
Working as an executive for a biotech company.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
B.S. Neurobiology, B.A. Mathematics
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Recovering from the previous night's festivities.
... One year after graduating?
I will be at the UW medical school.
... Ten years after graduating?
I will be 2 years in my residency training, following the completion of my MSTP training.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors allowed me to develop a new perspective on the pursuit of knowledge.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
I would advise current Honors students to explore different areas of learning to figure out what excites them. It is more important to find success in something you love than following a structured learning experience.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Implications of Morphological Inventions in 5th and 8th Grade Reading and Writing
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Soaking up some sun...
... One year after graduating?
I expect to be graduating from the master's program in human development and psychology at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and preparing to begin a doctorate program in learning sciences and human development at the University of Washington College of Education.
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be working on pioneering research in the field of education!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Working in the Honors program pushed me to always be at my best and introduced me to the wonderful world of scientific research. It kept my passion for learning alive by being surrounded by so many like-minded peers.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
My advice for current Honors undergraduates is to take the time to talk to your peers. They may not have the precise interest that you have but you may find you share a common drive and passion.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Back in my apartment, saying goodbye to my best friends, and packing up to move out and head back to Portland. And relaxing and celebrating, of course!
... One year after graduating?
I hope that a year after graduating, I will be employed and working on my application to medical school. On a less serious note, I hope to have started watching Legends of Tomorrow, which is supposed to air in 2016, and I hope that I am going to love it.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years after graduating, I hope that I've gotten into and managed to complete medical school, started a family, and done something meaningful to give back to the world.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I'm the kind of person that's always been interested in interdisciplinary learning. It's nice to delve into something new, though I love biology. Honors has given me that opportunity, and I enjoyed it immensely. Some of my most favorite classes I've taken have been honors and not in my major!
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
My advice is to enjoy the opportunity Honors gives you to learn something new from professors who are really passionate about what they're teaching. Don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone, and be willing to take risks with your work. It goes by so much faster that you think.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Fall 2014
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
It was my birthday the day after I graduated.. I remember loudly singing the Dave Matthews Band lyrics: "Celebrate we will, for life is short but sweet for certain."
... One year after graduating?
Teaching English in Thailand!!!!
... Ten years after graduating?
Teaching high school Biology in the Seattle Public Schools to my squirrely, wonderful, inspiring students.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors allowed and encouraged me to bring my personal and academic lives together, providing me with an education that felt especially relevant.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
learn how to fail and utilize your resources (especially UW Counseling Center!)
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Chaste Father, Peaceful Warrior, Obedient Shepherd: Redefining Monastic Masculinity in Adomn√°n's Vita sancti Columbae
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I probably should be sleeping for three days straight after graduating; however, knowing me, it's more likely that I will still be working, planning my move to Ireland in August & the start of my graduate program in September.
... One year after graduating?
One year from now, I will have just finished sitting my Master's level exams at University College Dublin, and will be furiously writing & working to finish my thesis in medieval Irish & British history.
... Ten years after graduating?
I don't know where I'll be in 10 years, but I don't think that matters. By that point, I will have spent over a decade studying to do what I love more than anything else. As long as I can continue to absorb & question the nature of language & history, and to help others do the same, I will be happy.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I am so grateful to the Honors program for the opportunity to conduct primary source-based undergraduate research. However, I must also thank my mentor, Dr. Robin Stacey, without whom I could never have achieved so much, and who has been a relentless advocate for me throughout my college career.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
I don't often like to give advice & I usually don't know what to say when I do. But I can suggest this: Do not be ashamed to ask for help. Life is life and your professors know better than most that sometimes things come up that get in the way. That doesn't mean you have to fail because of them.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
SUM 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
History and Near Eastern Studies
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
My thesis centered on the role nationalism played in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Leaving Russia, because my last classes will be in St. Petersburg. I'll be heading to Cyprus to do some traveling.
... One year after graduating?
Finishing up my Fulbright fellowship in Zonguldak, Turkey and waiting to begin an MA program focusing on Turkish and Ottoman history in Istanbul or Ankara. But I'm considering applying for a Luce fellowship to Japan, so I could literally be on the other side of the world for all I know.
... Ten years after graduating?
If all works out, I'll hopefully be in the middle of a doctoral candidacy, having taken a few years off to travel after receiving my MA.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Some may think of honors as taking on extra work, but for my program there was no extra work, just higher standards and more independence. This was beneficial, as it forced me to adopt new research strategies and taught me how to produce quality work quickly.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Avoid student debt like the plague. Scholarships are everywhere, so go after as many as you can. Even if you only get 1 out 6 that you apply for, even the lowest scholarships are worth hundreds of dollars. Also, study abroad in developing countries. You can save money and travel at the same time!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Flute Performance
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Hiking our beautiful local trails!
... One year after graduating?
I will have finished my first year in a Master of Music program at the New England Conservatory in Boston!
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be the principal flutist of a symphony orchestra and to participate in music outreach programs in third world and developing countries!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Departmental Honors encouraged me to pursue my interests beyond what was expected in the classroom. I learned to think critically and further developed research skills, which has been helpful in all aspects of my academic career. The extra work load also taught me to value the use of my own time!
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Work hard in order to excel academically, but don't forget to experience things outside of the classroom - this can have a greater impact upon your growth as a person! I especially recommend participating in activities that place you outside of your comfort zone!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Environmental Studies, Environmental Science and Resource Management
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Condition-Dependent Bear Predation on Salmon ; Impact of Stream Modifications on Present-Day Bat Occupancy in Northern Washington
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I am planning on going to Europe for two weeks, and am leaving to fly out of Vancouver to Paris, France on June 15th!
... One year after graduating?
Hopefully still in Seattle with a job in Environmental Science heading to graduate school in the fall!
... Ten years after graduating?
Working for a private consulting environmental firm or for a government agency studying ecology.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I have made some of my best friends through the honors program and I feel like it gave a lot of depth to my education at the University of Washington. It definitely expanded my thinking, enriched my undergraduate experience, and made a giant university smaller.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of the awesome opportunities honors provides you and the small community of amazing people!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Physics and Astronomy
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Catching-up with my family and preparing to tackle my mountain 'tick-list' for the summer.
... One year after graduating?
In Tucson, pursuing a PhD in astronomy and flailing-up cracks in the Santa Catalina mountains.
... Ten years after graduating?
Probably still doing research, definitely still exploring.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
It can be difficult to find memorable classes and passionate people outside your major; Honors helps solve both of those problems.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Of course sleep all day and go out to find good foods.
... One year after graduating?
Take a vacation first. And back to reality: go to work or go to graduate school, this is a question.
... Ten years after graduating?
Hope have a decent job and save more money for vacations.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Determinants of Asian International Students' Return Intention: A Case Study from University of Washington
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
In Seattle, preparing for the trip to Yellowstone Park with my parents.
... One year after graduating?
In US, obtaining graduate education.
... Ten years after graduating?
Undecided, but I want to become a Professor or a data scientist.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
It was a great opportunity to experience what a graduate student's research life in Economics looks like, which set my determination of pursuing graduate education relating to Economics after I graduate from college.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Experience as much as possible, always talk to your Professors and fellows to gain more insights!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Human Evolutionary Biology; Medical Anthropology & Global Health
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Biomedical and Fonofale Models of Health: Differing Conceptions of Health and Illness, and their Implications for Type 2 Diabetes Prevalence, among Samoans living in King County, Washington
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
At the spa!
... One year after graduating?
One year from now I will have completed my first year as a student in the concurrent MA/PhD program for Human Biology, Ecology, and Evolution at UNC Chapel Hill, and be in the Ecuadorian Amazon collecting pilot data for my masters research project!
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years from now I hope I will be teaching and doing research at a R-1 university. Who knows, maybe I'll find myself back at UW again!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
My Honors project has, more than anything, taught me that I can use my passions to not only expand the knowledge base in my field but also make a positive change in my community.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Develop a good relationship with your advisers. You can learn a lot from them, and when something goes wrong with your research you can always turn to them for guidance and support because they understand your frustration.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Psychology, Biology (Physiology)
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Exploring the Role of the Kappa Opioid Receptor in Protracted Morphine Abstinence
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
home making up the past 5 years-worth of sleep debt!
... One year after graduating?
at Dr. Chavkin's lab, continuing my research in behavioral pharmacology
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be a practicing physician while researching a cure for fibromyalgia!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Doing undergraduate research through the psychology honors department was the most valuable experience of my college career. I feel like I was able to have a unique learning opportunity through working with my mentors, and I have made so many friends along the way!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Physics (Comprehensive); Mathematics (Comprehensive)
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
The Mono-W/Z Search for Dark Matter
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Sleeping (finally).
... One year after graduating?
University of Washington Graduate School (Theoretical Physics).
... Ten years after graduating?
At university, but as a professor.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors pushed me to do my best and focus on my studies. It brought out the best in me, especially regarding physics. It helped me realize that scholastic success is a privilege, and we should enjoy it when we can.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
"Shoot for the moon; if you miss, you will still be among the stars." Honors is the chance to show you did not merely survive university, but you thrived there. If you love your major field, make it known!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
International Studies
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Shuttling More Than Goods: Collective Support Among Turkish-Bulgarian Shuttle Traders
Where do you expect to be...
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The JSIS Departmental Honors Program has been both rigorous and challenging but completing my thesis has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my undergraduate career.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't dwell on your weaknesses: focus on further developing your strengths because therein lies your unique contribution to the Honors Program.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Neurobiology, Biochemistry
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Independence of Adaptation in Rod- and Cone-mediated Signals
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Heading back into the lab!
... One year after graduating?
Finishing up rotations / coursework for my PhD program at UC Berkeley.
... Ten years after graduating?
Working as a neuroscientist, likely as a postdoc.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
"DON'T PANIC" - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
English, Philosophy
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Keeping up with the beat: The inclusion of slang terms through hip hop music into the American-English lexicon
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Preparing for my month long trip traveling Southeast Asia this summer with a friend (Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia).
... One year after graduating?
Working as the Marketing and Events Manager for the University of Washington's Startup Hall and Co-Motion Incubator.
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully somewhere baking, tending to my own garden/urban farm site, and owning at least one pug.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I was a little bit hesitant about pursuing the Honors tract, but I am very thankful for all of the support that the Honors staff has been able to provide me. My experience in the Honors program has been challenging in all the right ways and absolutely beneficial to my learning experience!
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Do not be afraid of a little bit of a challenge and a little bit of hard work! It absolutely pays off. Remember why you went to college - seek and absorb as much knowledge as you can!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
International Studies
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduation I'll be heading to the Oregon coast with my family to celebrate by watching waves, reading lots of books, and unwinding by the ocean to reflect on an amazing four years.
... One year after graduating?
One year after graduation, after first completing a year in the working world, I hope to return to academia and attend graduate school (possibly abroad) for international development.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I've really enjoyed the interdisciplinary learning aspect of Honors, as I've been able to make important connections across different disciplines and have the freedom and flexibility to relate these courses to my own area of study.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Live all the questions that you have now, and don't be too concerned with the answers yet. As long as you actively pursue what interests you, you'll end up in a place that makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Autumn 2014
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Environmental Studies
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Preparing for my move to Portland!
... One year after graduating?
Dancing tango, writing, working, and preparing for an MFA program in creative writing.
... Ten years after graduating?
I will have completed an MFA and will hopefully have been published.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I am constantly amazed and humbled by my peers, I was able to explore important interests outside of my major without guilt, and I met some of my closest friends through the program.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Trust your gut. Trust your gut about what makes you happy and do it. Don't worry about the logistics, don't worry about the unknown- you will figure it out, because you have figured it out before.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
BA History/BS Economics
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
"Widowhood in Plymouth Colony: An Enquiry into Family Dynamics through Probate Material"
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Having brunch with my supportive family.
... One year after graduating?
Traveling around Europe before entering law school in the fall.
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully I will be a successful attorney who dabbles in music and amateur historical pursuits.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has provided a supportive environment for me to cultivate an understanding of my academic strengths through reflective synthesis.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take courses that pique and sustain your interest, cultivate positive relationships with your professors, create your own cohort of passionate and kind individuals.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 15
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Speech and Hearing Sciences, Spanish
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Effects of Implicit Word Priming on Naming for Individuals with Aphasia
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I will be in Hawaii relaxing with my family!
... One year after graduating?
I will be finishing my year in Madrid working as a research assistant for I-LABS.
... Ten years after graduating?
I will be working in the hospital setting as a Speech Language Pathologist. I hope to be able to improve the lives of individuals struggling with communication and swallowing disorders.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Participating in Honors has given me insight into the field of Research. Without honors, I would not have had the opportunity to be mentored through the creation of my own research project and would not have had as much of a chance to broaden my impact within my department.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
I would just like to anyone thinking about joining their Departmental Honors program that it is absolutely worth the time and effort you will put in. Having mentorship and being able to contribute to your department makes the experience worthwhile.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Clinical Exploration for Bioengineers--Creating Mentorships Between Bioengineering Students and Clinicians
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
At my apartment packing up and getting ready to move out.
... One year after graduating?
Still in Seattle working full-time as an ophthalmic technician and (hopefully) having gotten into medical school.
... Ten years after graduating?
Probably graduated from medical school but still in residency training...haha.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors gave me the chance to explore topics that are outside my major and the traditional realm of classroom studies. I think because my professors and peers all have a greater investment in interdisciplinary education, going through Honors has allowed me to satisfy a large breadth of interests.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
My advice would be to take advantage of the friends and connections that being in the Honors program allows you to have! Some of my best friendships and mentorships have come from Honors--don't be shy!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Biochemistry, Interdisciplinary Visual Art
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Backpacking and visiting friends across Europe!
... One year after graduating?
Working in Seattle and cultivating artistic avenues for myself and others! Maybe I'll even get a dog, which would be cool.
... Ten years after graduating?
I don't have a ten year plan, but I'd love to continue adventuring and pushing myself to keep trying new things while being the best in my career I can be.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors connected me to a community of driven, intellectually passionate and aware people. It has helped nurture my growth in other aspects including and outside of academia with this network, and I know I will be leaving UW and the Honors program with lifelong friends and unforgettable memories.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take as many smaller discussion-based Honors classes as you can because you not only become exposed to a great deal of topics and get the experience of actually using what you learn in the real world, but you get to really know your classmates. And they're often pretty amazing people.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Community, Environment, and Planning; Geography
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Learning Communities in Higher Education: An exploration and deep analysis of the CEP undergraduate major; Democracy at Work: Exploring Seattle's Worker Cooperative Economy
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Spending time reflecting with my friends and family. Celebrating. Mostly just explaining to my family what I've been up to for the past four years.
... One year after graduating?
I expect that my initial breather from years of school will have worn off a bit and that I'll be ready to take on new, larger projects in my life. I hope to become more engaged and connected in the Seattle area, as well as with people doing groundbreaking work in other areas of the world.
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be working collaboratively within a strong team, making a direct, positive impact in the communities of the world. Mostly, I hope to be happy, enriched, and purposeful in whatever pathway life provides.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Being in Geography departmental honors has allowed me delve deeply into research that fit my passions of cooperative movements and alternative economies. This thesis pushed me beyond most other courses I took at the University.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't be afraid to take risks and put yourself in challenging situations. Be intentional about the choices you make while you're at the University. If you want to take a class from another department or a grad level class, advocate for your position and make it happen!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Summer 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Biochemistry, Biology (Physiology)
Personal Website or Blog URL:
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
I will be sitting on one of the secluded sandy beach, getting a tan, eating island fries, and sipping on a Island Tango. Or I will be paddle boarding with a stray dog on the beautiful, blue lagoon in Rarotonga.(I am currently studying abroad in the Cook Islands for six months.)
... One year after graduating?
I will probably be backpacking around New Zealand and Australia. I hope to meet and make more wonderful friends from all around the world through couchsurfing and woofing. I also hope to return to Rarotonga for a month to visit friends, relax, and enjoy the island time again.
... Ten years after graduating?
Hopefully, I will graduate from medical school and be able to work in a children's hospital. I also hope to medically serve underserved communities in Asia and South Pacific Islands since these are the areas I've traveled to and got to learn about their healthcare system and issues.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I was able to think outside the box and used that to take advantage of all the opportunities available. I made some of my closest friends through the Honors program and they are some of the most incredible people I have met. They inspire me to take risks and be out there.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
STUDY ABROAD. Don't say you can't because you're a science major because I am graduating with double science major, worked in a lab for four years, and studied abroad three times. Don't say you don't have money because I funded all my trips through scholarships and savings. No excuses. Just go!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
On a roadtrip to Yosemite!!!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I loved the interdisciplinary aspect of the Honors program. I had some amazing professors that challenged the way I think and pushed me to draw connections between different fields.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Take advantage of everything you have at the University of Washington! So many people in the Honors Program and at the UW want to see you succeed as a student and a person in college so just go for it! :)
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Materials Science and Engineering
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Aligned Pore Chitosan-Alginate Scaffolds for Skeleton Muscle Tissue Regeneration
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Celebrate with my friends and family. Enjoy the day!
... One year after graduating?
Finishing my first year of grad school in electrical engineering at the Columbia University. Making new friends and having fun!
... Ten years after graduating?
Have a job that I am passionate about and enjoy life with friends and family!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honor program had brought my educational goals to a higher level, allowing me to research more with the help from faculties. The program was absolutely amazing and the classes I have taken through Honors have made my special experience at UW!
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Keep working hard and enjoy life and experience in UW!!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Political Science (Political Economy)
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Greek National Identity And Immigration Policy In An Epoch Of Sustained Migration And Immigration: A Pragmatic Evolution
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
San Francisco
... One year after graduating?
Law School
... Ten years after graduating?
I hope to be engaged in meaningful and intellectually stimulating work as an International Lawyer!
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
The Honors Program has enabled me to engage my intellectual inquiries at a much deeper level. Following this rigorous immersion, I developed the intellectual tools necessary for a successful and meaningful life. The question driven and discussion heavy aspects of the program were very empowering.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Explore the many academic and extracurricular opportunities available at the University of Washington. Move beyond your comfort zone because oftentimes healthy growth emerges following our encounters with the unfamiliar or the challenging. Spend quality time with your fascinating peers!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Psychology and Public Health
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Predictors of Utilization of Novel Smoking Cessation Smartphone App
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
One day after graduating, I expect myself to be in a state of utter denial that 4 years of college have gone by so quickly. In actuality, I will be in Yellowstone National Park celebrating with my family as well.
... One year after graduating?
A year after graduating, I will be doing research at Fred Hutch and applying to graduate programs in Clinical Psychology.
... Ten years after graduating?
Ten years from now, I see myself as a researcher in Clinical Psychology, testing out novel interventions and using technology to enhance psychotherapy.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors connected me with an AMAZING mentor. It has helped me become a more caring member of society, a strong advocate for social justice, and a critical thinker. Before Honors, I was afraid of expressing my ideas, but now I am confident and fact-driven when talking about topics in my majors.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't be afraid to raise your hand and speak up in class! It might seem intimidating at first, given how large some classes can be, but it's VERY rewarding and empowering to share your ideas and contribute to academic discussions.
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Departmental Honors
Biochemistry B.S.
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Gene Oxa-23 on the Multidrug Resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
The weather forecast said it would be 74 degree the day after graduation. Hiking? :D
... One year after graduating?
Wrapping up research projects and getting ready for medical school :)
... Ten years after graduating?
I will be done with my residency. Yeah^^ So I will do fellowship, practice medicine, and/or prepare to be a mom.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Doing Honors made me realize that I really like to challenge myself and I enjoy working with like-minded people.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Be proud of yourself ^^
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
College Honors
Microbiology, CHID minor
If you completed an Honors Thesis or Honors Research Project, what was the title or topic?
A cell-biological screen reveals changes in conserved lipid metabolic pathways during aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
enjoying my last summer in Washington!
... One year after graduating?
serving at Boston Healthcare for the Homeless with Americorps and developing a nice Boston accent
... Ten years after graduating?
hopefully practicing medicine and adopting sweet old pups from a shelter
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
Honors has been an incredible community during my undergraduate career. I've met some of my best friends through the program. The courses have allowed me to explore my interests outside of science/health and meet incredible professors and peers.
Do you have any advice for current Honors undergraduates?
Don't be afraid to ask questions and take chances. Document and reflect on your experiences as much as you can. You'll thank yourself later!
Quarter and Year of graduation:
Spring 2015
Which Honors designation will you be graduating with?
Interdisciplinary Honors
Where do you expect to be...
... One day after graduating?
Enjoying a delicious brunch with family and friends!
... One year after graduating?
I'll hopefully be in my first year of dental school.
... Ten years after graduating?
Running my own pediatric dental clinic.
Please share any comments you have on the impact that Honors has had on your undergraduate experience:
I learned about music therapy as a form of treatment for Parkinson's disease in an Honors class, where I realized the power of an interdisciplinary career. I saw how art and science could not only coexist but also powerfully enhance each other in a way of service to others.