Course Details

Course offered Spring 2012

Honors 391 A: HIV AND AIDS: Issues and Challenges (A&H / SSc / NSc)

Honors 391 A: HIV AND AIDS: Issues and Challenges (A&H / SSc / NSc)

SLN 14437 (View UW registration info »)

Danuta Kasprzyk (Family & Child Nursing)
Phone: 206-524-9314

Credits: 5
Limit: 15 students

Offered jointly with G H 490 B.
As part of course requirements, students will present a current event based on each day’s readings or lectures, to be turned in twice weekly by midnight the day before each class period. Link to current event story can be emailed to professors, or turned in as a hard or scanned copy each class period.
Students will be required to write a 15 page research paper. Students will choose a developing country and describe an in-country plan to hit the US Obama Administration goal of ZERO HIV infections in their chosen country. Students will describe the in-country AIDS epidemic in terms of its epidemiology (disease transmission and spread), including risk behaviors, and access to treatment. Students will then describe how to reach a goal of zero transmissions within the country by the end of this decade (2019). Students will make evidence-based recommendations targeting the AIDS epidemic for their chosen country and describe how these recommendations will serve to achieve zero HIV transmissions. Finally, students will estimate a budget for this effort. Papers will be due last week of class (week of May 28).

An optional discussion group to discuss issues in more depth will be held after class on Thursdays.
The course grade is based on the weighting of the paper at 90%, 5% for current events, and 5% for attendance.