Course Details
Course offered Spring 2013
Honors 397 B: Sierra Leone Prep Seminar (SSc)
Honors 397 B: Sierra Leone Prep Seminar (SSc)
SLN 14582 (View UW registration info »)
Clarke Speed (Anthropology)
Brook Kelly (Honors Program; Advisor)
Office: MGH 211, Box 352800
Phone: 206.221.6131
Office: MGH 211, Box 352800
Phone: 206.221.6131
Laura Harrington (Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator)
Office: MGH 211, Box 352800
Phone: 205 543-7444
Office: MGH 211, Box 352800
Phone: 205 543-7444
Credits: 3
Sierra Leone study abroad participants only.
This three credit course prepares students for the 2013 Honors/African Studies program to Sierra Leone. In the context of alterity (radical difference) we aim to prepare students for best-cultural practices that maximize their time, value, and experience. The course includes work in the lingua franca – Krio – basic words and phrases in Landogo, and a primer on daily life, rules, etiquette, and protocol. We will also discuss how ethnography actually works, issues of health, and guidelines for food and water safety. Students also propose a research focus for their summer research project and begin individual and collaborative work towards that project. We establish absolute responsibility, liability, and consequences for individuals, the UW group, and its relations with the Kagbere community. Texts include: Emerson, Fretz, and Shaw’s Writing Ethnographic Field Notes (1995), a Krio and Landogo language primer by Kelly, Harrington, and Speed (2007), and more. Evaluation is via participation, concept notebooks, library research, and a five-page research proposal with word work.