Course Details
Course offered Autumn 2014
Honors 230 C: Understanding and Combating Human Trafficking (SSc, DIV)
Honors 230 C: Understanding and Combating Human Trafficking (SSc, DIV)
SLN 15584 (View UW registration info »)
Office: 102 Communications Bldg, Box 353740
Phone: 543-4837
Credits: 5
Limit: 30 students
These aims will be accomplished through a) reading, written analyses, and in-class discussions of relevant texts produced by concerned government bodies and nongovernmental organizations as well as scholars; b) visits by local experts representing local and/or national law enforcement, providers of services to trafficking victims, and community organizers; c) written analyses of case studies and a research paper on a particular aspect of the problem of human trafficking and/or efforts to combat it; d) completion of an experiential learning/service learning assignment which will require a total of about 20 hours of volunteer work with Seattle Against Slavery during the last five weeks of the course. Most of this experiential/service learning will take place in the U District; no travel will be necessary. There will be a few quizzes on key terms and concepts, but no midterm nor final exam.