Course Details

Course offered Autumn 2017

HONORS 230 B: History of the Social Sciences (SSc)

HONORS 230 B: History of the Social Sciences (SSc)

SLN 16062 (View UW registration info »)

Daniel Bessner (Jackson School of International Studies)
Phone: (206) 685-1043

Credits: 5
Limit: 35 students

This course explores the history of the social sciences from their advent in the nineteenth century until today, with a focus on the twentieth century. Social sciences examined include economics, psychology, history, sociology, anthropology, development studies, communications and linguistics, and geography. During the first class of each week, the instructor will give a lecture on the history of that week’s field. During the second class of each week, a student group will give an oral presentation on a major work from that week’s field. In addition to this presentation, student groups will be required to produce a co-authored seven-page paper that highlights the present status of the field they examined, including problems with the field and potential solutions to these problems. This paper will be due during finals week. Grades will be based on active participation throughout the semester, the group presentation, and the group paper.