Course Details
Course offered Spring 2019
HONORS 397 C: The Science, History, and Politics of Nuclear Weapons: How they work, how they came into existence, and why they remain an existential threat (SSc)
HONORS 397 C: The Science, History, and Politics of Nuclear Weapons: How they work, how they came into existence, and why they remain an existential threat (SSc)
SLN 21145 (View UW registration info »)
Credits: 3
Limit: 20 students
This course will actually teach the basic physics of nuclear weapon design,
(algebra level math), study the effects of nuclear weapons (drawn from US archives of our 30 year testing of nuclear weapons), view several of the legendary films of the 1970-80s (e.g. Fail Safe, Dr. Stangelove), debate the only event in which nuclear weapons were used in anger (Hiroshima), and through research and class discussion, show that the Cold War was all about nuclear weapons, and how the cold war begat our present day terrorism.
Grades will be assigned on class participation, assigned essays, and a term paper.