Course Details

Course offered Autumn 2019

HONORS 392 A: Science and Engineering for Social Justice (SSc / NSc, DIV)

HONORS 392 A: Science and Engineering for Social Justice (SSc / NSc, DIV)

SLN 16006 (View UW registration info »)

Dianne Hendricks (Bioengineering; Human Centered Design & Engineering)
Phone: 206-685-9283

Credits: 5
Limit: 35 students

6 seats reserved for incoming Freshmen
This course explores social justice in a science and engineering context, with specific focus on race, gender, sexuality, and disability. We emphasize what students can do to advocate for and represent diverse peoples, and to promote social justice through science and engineering practice.

Throughout the course, we explore these inter-related questions:
1) How do our cultural ideas about race, gender, disability and sexuality influence science/engineering knowledge and practice?
2) On the other hand, how does our science/engineering practice influence our cultural ideas about race, gender, disability and sexuality?
3) How can we use science and engineering to promote social justice for all people?

Students reflect on the impact of science and engineering in society through weekly readings and class discussions. In addition, students complete a final paper and a team project in which they design a science/engineering solution that promotes social justice.

No prerequisite. All majors welcome!