Course Details
Course offered Spring 2020
HONORS 398 A: The Brain and the Healing Power of Poetry (A&H)
HONORS 398 A: The Brain and the Healing Power of Poetry (A&H)
SLN 21356 (View UW registration info »)
Arthur Ginsberg (Classics)
Office: Classics, Box 353110
Phone: 2063694836
Office: Classics, Box 353110
Phone: 2063694836
Credits: 2, c/nc
Limit: 15 students
Note: this is a 2 credit course so will only count towards UW general education requirements, not Honors core curriculum.
This course will be conducted in a workshop setting. We will explore brain anatomy, physiology and MR imaging to understand creativity in the creation of poems about personal, socio-political and ecological grief. Students will create and assemble a book of their work including graphic cover art, that will be published by the end of the semester. A public reading by all students will constitute the final examination.