Course Details

Course offered Winter 2021

HONORS 391 A: Race, Gender, Diaspora & Population Health (A&H / SSc / NSc, DIV, W)

HONORS 391 A: Race, Gender, Diaspora & Population Health (A&H / SSc / NSc, DIV, W)

SLN 15432 (View UW registration info »)

Clarence Spigner (Health Services)
Office: H-692 Health Sciences Building, Box 357660
Phone: 206 616-2948

Credits: 5
Limit: 35 students

This course is offered synchronously via remote learning.

Course Description: This 300-level 5-credit course explores the health of populations across the planet. Multiculturalism and the Problem Based Learning (PBL) allow students to investigate inequalities in health. More than 35 open-ended topics or cases include sex-worker rights, white saviors, Ebola, anti-immigration policies, #MeToo, incarceration, female circumcision, racial admixture, and LGBTQ issues. Randomly selected cohorts of 3-4 students investigate and present on a randomly selected cases / topics. Also, a 5-7 page, typewritten double-spaced essay of a critically read book, essay of short story from a reading list more than 40 titles. 

1. Understand the intersectionality of race and gender in population health.
2. Assess knowledge about diasporic populations.
3. Discern social, physical and emotional health in popular literature.