Course Details
Course offered Winter 2022
HONORS 391 A: Race, Gender, Diaspora & Population Health (A&H / SSc / NSc, DIV, W)
HONORS 391 A: Race, Gender, Diaspora & Population Health (A&H / SSc / NSc, DIV, W)
SLN 15490 (View UW registration info »)
Office: H-692 Health Sciences Building, Box 357660
Phone: 206 616-2948
Credits: 5
Limit: 35 students
This 300-level 5-credit course explores the health of populations across the planet. Multiculturalism and the Problem Based Learning (PBL) allow students to investigate inequalities in health. More than 35 open-ended topics/cases include sex-worker rights, white saviors, Ebola, anti-immigration policies, #MeToo, incarceration, female circumcision, racial admixture, and LGBTQ issues. Randomly selected cohorts of 3-4 students investigate and present on a randomly selected case/topics. Also, a possible mid-term and a definite 5-7 page, typewritten double-spaced written reflection on a critically read book, essay of short story from a reading list more than 40 titles (I&S, VLPA, NW, Diversity, W).