Course Details

Course offered Winter 2022

HONORS 345 A: Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: Public Communication of Science (C)

HONORS 345 A: Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: Public Communication of Science (C)

SLN 15489 (View UW registration info »)

Leah Ceccarelli (Communication)
Office: CMU 145, Box 353740

Credits: 5
Limit: 12 students

As the modern world encounters increasingly wicked problems such as global climate change and global pandemics, we turn to scientific experts to help us make sense of the risks we face and devise solutions to mitigate harms. But the language of science is dense, designed to efficiently build knowledge among specialists, not communicate with non-specialists. In addition, the values of science are not always shared by lay audiences. So how might scientists and science journalists bridge the gap between the culture of science and the broader public it serves? In this course, you will learn how to translate the communication of scientists for lay audiences. You also will come to better understand how science is typically characterized and mischaracterized in the public imaginary, and discover the available means of persuasion to advocate for science in the public sphere. This class offers students a small workshop setting to build writing portfolios that include different genres in the public communication of science, such as an accommodated scientific research report, an opinion editorial, a film review, a public speech, and a public letter. In the so-called “post-truth” era, it is of vital importance that scientists and science journalists learn how to write about science for public audiences. This course will help you to do that.