Course Details
Course offered Autumn 2022
HONORS 210 A: New Literacy Studies: The Politics of Translation (A&H, W)
HONORS 210 A: New Literacy Studies: The Politics of Translation (A&H, W)
SLN 16373 (View UW registration info »)
Joseph Wilson (English)
Credits: 5
Limit: 35 students
10 spots reserved for incoming freshmen
This course synthesizes contemporary approaches to literacy studies, including composition theory, sociolinguistics, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), to consider questions about translation in language teaching and policy research. We will ask what it means to write when all languaging acts are perceived as political, interventional, emergent, rhetorical, situated, and heterogenous. Through this lens, we will perform reparative readings of texts in literacy studies that we feel could further intervene in resisting linguistic, racial, sexual, gendered, and ableist habitus that mediate the conditions of languaging practices. We will also gain experience conducting ethnographic fieldwork and textual analysis to uncover systems of power implicated by language policies and translation practices.