Course Details

Course offered Autumn 2022

HONORS 391 A: The Art of Understanding the Cosmos (A&H / SSc / NSc, W)

HONORS 391 A: The Art of Understanding the Cosmos (A&H / SSc / NSc, W)

SLN 23625 (View UW registration info »)

KC Cole (Physics)

Credits: 5
Limit: 28 students

Freshmen only

Playwrights, poets, philosophers, filmmakers, sculptors and novelists all use the cosmos as their inspiration and subject matter; scientists themselves have worked in all of these genres in their efforts to communicate with the general public, and also with each other. The class will explore each of these forms, focusing on ideas from physics, math, evolutionary biology and computer science. Students will write reflections based on readings and viewings for each class; they will produce a final project to be presented to their fellow students: a short story, play, extended essay, visual art project, poem. The scientific content must be accurate and deepen our understanding of the subject matter, providing original insights. Students will be encouraged to work in groups and to lead class discussions.