Course Details
Course offered Spring 2024
HONORS 222 A: Evolution and Human Behavior (NSc, W)
HONORS 222 A: Evolution and Human Behavior (NSc, W)
SLN 15270 (View UW registration info »)
Office: 205D Burke Museum, Box 351800
Phone: (206) 547-6330
Credits: 5
Limit: 25 students
The theory of evolution by natural selection is the underlying theme that unites all fields of biology. In this course we will cover the basic principles of evolution, explore ways in which evolutionary theory can be applied to human biology and behavior, and consider how evolutionary thinking might guide the development of social policy. We will consider questions such as these: Why are women and men different? Which is more egalitarian: monogamy or polygamy? Why do step-parents and step-children often have more conflicted relationships than biological parents and biological children? When do people cooperate, when are they selfish, and why? What can we do to reduce the rate of spousal abuse and homicide?