Course Details
Course offered Autumn 2003
H A&S 221B: DNA & Evolution
H A&S 221B: DNA & Evolution
SLN 4107 (View UW registration info »)
Jon Herron (Biology)
Office: 205D Burke Museum, Box 351800
Phone: (206) 547-6330
Office: 205D Burke Museum, Box 351800
Phone: (206) 547-6330
Credits: 5
Evolution and genetics are the cornerstones of modern biology. DNA and Evolution will explore these fields in the context of contemporary issues that are important to individuals and society. The primary emphasis will be on human examples and problems. Among the questions we will consider are these: Where did modern humans come from? Why are women and men different? Is there a genetic or evolutionary logic to how people choose their mates? Why do children resemble their parents? Do genes influence personality, intelligence, and sexual orientation? What are the prospects and pitfalls of using genetic engineering to treat diseases, prevent their occurrence, and allow patents to fine-tune their offspring? Given what our society knows about evolution and genetics, should we take responsibility for guiding the evolutionary future of human populations?
Throughout the course the goal will be to help students develop sufficient biological sophistication to understand new discoveries in genetics and evolution, talk to their doctors, and make rational personal and political choices about biological issues. Students will read secondary and primary literature, ask questions, design experiments, analyze and interpret data, and draw their own conclusions.