Course Details

Course offered Winter 2024

HONORS 397 A: Prison Education & Freedom in Washington State (SSc)

HONORS 397 A: Prison Education & Freedom in Washington State (SSc)

SLN 22182 (View UW registration info »)

Claudia Jensen (Slavic Languages and Literatures)
Phone: 206-543-6848

Credits: 2
Limit: 20 students

This 2-credit peer-led course critically analyzes issues surrounding incarceration and the criminal legal system. Through student-led projects, we will collaboratively explore themes surrounding decarceration, abolition, and coalition-building that center the voices of incarcerated people and their work in prison organizing. The course will incorporate various forms of media including artwork, readings, speaker testimonies, legislative material, etc. Group projects, reflective essays, and other assignments will be organized based on students’ selected topic. Topics include (but are not limited to): art as liberation, legislation as a tool for community organizing, politics of reintegration.