Course Details

Course offered Winter 2025

HONORS 345 A: How to Read E-Literature (C)

HONORS 345 A: How to Read E-Literature (C)

SLN 15571 (View UW registration info »)

Ileana Marin (Comparative History of Ideas; Comparative Literature)
Phone: 206 604-1831

Credits: 5
Limit: 23 students

“How to read electronic literature” is a hands-on experiential, interdisciplinary course that guides students to profit from their exploration of digital media. We will acquaint ourselves with a selection of the most creative electronic works of the twenty-first century as we cross disciplinary boundaries, engaging recent literary history, technology, aesthetics, visual arts, sound design, and multimedia. With the rapid development of electronic and digital tools, e-literature competes with digital games for players’ interest. Engaging with the multimedia jargon of digital literature (remediation, digital poetics, cyberspace textuality, active creation of belief, and medial ideology) we will go through the non-trivial process of reading famous digital works by Michael Joyce, Talan Memmott, John Zuern, Shelley Jackson, Laura Okkema, and Serge Bouchardon, among others. Our journey through digital works will open the path to self-discovery as we will immerse ourselves into various forms of “reading” and “writing”.