Course Details

Course offered Autumn 2019

HONORS 394 A: Critical Community Organizing (A&H / SSc, DIV)

HONORS 394 A: Critical Community Organizing (A&H / SSc, DIV)

SLN 16008 (View UW registration info »)

Third Andresen (Comparative History of Ideas)
Office: PDL B102B
Velma Veloria (American Ethnic Studies)

Credits: 5
Limit: 35 students

5 seats reserved for incoming Freshmen

$35 course fee.

The purpose of Critical Community Organizing course is to learn about the relationship between community engagement, activism and communities of color in Seattle. It is designed for students both interests in community-based organizing, as well as those considering career opportunities in a variety of community-based organization and social change fields including elected office. This course intends to provide an academic and practical action framework of community organizing to effect policy change. We will hear how community members and legislature respond to social forces and how they inform political changes. We will read, view, listen to and attend community events. Throughout the quarter, students will examine the ways that race, class, gender, sexuality, indigeneity and other forms of identities construct privilege and power. This course will build on prior courses that discuss systemic oppressions in the United States. It will have a strong emphasis on civic engagements, community building and resistances to oppressions. Students will be expected to follow legislative bills that impact communities of color.