Adrienne Elise Hubbard
UW Honors Graduates
Adrienne Elise Hubbard

Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2017/2018
Thesis: Understanding Geographies of Fear and Safety in Urban Transit Space
adriennehub@gmail.comMy parents met when my mom was a TA for a class my dad took during his undergrad; attending UW has always been my goal and dream. I feel immensely proud to be a third generation UW graduate. The last two years here have been challenging, transformative, and more meaningful than I know how to articulate right now. After receiving my associate degree through Running Start at Bellevue College, I immersed myself within the Geography department at UW and found my place within academia. Geography is a field wide enough to encompass all my interests; cartography, emotional geographies, public transportation, urbanism, feminist and gender studies. I love collecting maps and riding trains and talking to people about the emotions they experience in the cities they love. I am forever grateful to the UW geography community for teaching me how to experience and think critically about place and belonging. Being a part of the Geography department honors program allowed me to write the thesis I have felt compelled to write, a project that emerged from my own lived experience. I don't know exactly where I'm going next; maybe urban planning, or teaching social studies to high school kids, or working for a non-profit. Grad school is on the horizon, somewhere and at some point in time. I'll spend this summer riding trains across the country and catching up on all the reading I have been meaning to do, and then I'll find a place where I can help create some tangible change in this world (or at least in this city). I'm about to turn twenty years old and I know that my most important accomplishments are yet to come.