Alexander David Peterson
UW Honors Graduates
Alexander David Peterson

Designation: Interdisciplinary Honors
Honors Grads 2019/2020
Proudest Moment: Running for ASUW President and feeling deeply connected to a group of people who genuinely cared about the well-being of UW students
In 2015, Alex Peterson served as the elected chairman of the Washington State Legislative Youth Advisory Council, representing the needs of state youth to the legislature. At UW, Alex has continued his political activism in the ASUW Senate and as a member of the UW Democracy Through Dialogues advisory board. In the summer after his First-year year, Alex received a US-UK Fulbright Summer Institutes Scholarship to study Middle Eastern politics at the University of London, and he was later named a finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship. In the summer of 2018, Alex conducted original research on the relationship between Modern Hebrew and political identity in Israel, and the following summer, he worked as a humanitarian aid worker in Dominica with the NGO IsraAID. Pursuing a degree in economics and participating in the Interdisciplinary Honors Program, Alex was awarded the UW President's Sophomore Medal in 2018 as the student with the highest academic standing at the university for his first two years of study. Alex plans to pursue a degree in law at Stanford university and later enter a career in public service.