Alice Lau
UW Honors Graduates
Alice Lau
Communication & Education, Communities, and Organizations
Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2018/2019
Proudest Moment: When I stopped taking the math and science classes I hated and started embracing my passion for education. My educational experience at UW finally started to feel like I was doing everything right for myself.
Thesis: Japanese Incarceration: Intergenerational Communication of Trauma and Cross-Generational Effects of Incarceration on Sansei Generation as Seen Through Densho Interviews
I am passionate about educational equity, race relations, and actively engaging with social justice issues. I am grateful for the opportunity to write this honors thesis that not only illuminated how identity, trauma, and reclamation were interwoven, but also aided in deeply transforming my sense of self in relation to identity and research. I feel honored to have accepted an award for this thesis in the Communication department at UW during Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage month and Mental Health Awareness month. I wouldn't have been able to accomplish this without the support of my adviser and all the other professors who guided me through the process and gave me abundant advice. I wish to continue actively serving the communities I come from through educational or community organizations, or working within schools. Outside of school, I love to binge crime procedural dramas, catch up on anime, discover new happy hours, and plan my next travel destination.