Anders B Peterson
UW Honors Graduates
Anders B Peterson

Designation: College Honors
Honors Grads 2018/2019
Proudest Moment: Co-founding and directing an improv workshop series through the Undergraduate Theater Society that I’ve kept running since my Sophomore year.
Thesis: ‘Prince Farming’ and His Helicopter: The Environment and Technology in Heterosexual Coupling on The Bachelor
An essay on Cher got me accepted to the Honors Program, and through these four years I’ve continued to include my love of most things pop culture in my work. I came into UW as a Seattlite open to studying most anything non-STEM, but had a sneaking suspicion that I would land in English. Unsurprisingly I did, but over time I ended up mainly thinking and writing about television and film - “The Bachelor” really does have my heart. Many of my key experiences during these four years have happened off campus, especially through working on and sometimes performing in shows at Jet City Improv. Whatever comes next, I’ll keep making it up as I go along.