Audrey Marie Conrad
UW Honors Graduates
Audrey Marie Conrad
International Studies (General); Political Science
Human Rights
Designation: Interdisciplinary Honors
Honors Grads 2019/2020
Proudest Moment: I was the Editor of my JSIS Task Force. It was a lot of work but it was a great opportunity to learn more about editing and organizing a policy report!
Throughout my time at the University of Washington I have focused on studying human rights and immigration through my majors. My research and background is predominantly based on the protection and promotion of human rights both domestically as well as internationally. I also focused on legal and immigration studies and on issues where these concentrations intersect with human rights concerns. During my time at UW, I worked part time in the field of immigration law. I studied the Spanish language abroad in Spain for three months and consider myself proficient in Spanish. After graduating from UW, I plan on ultimately going to law school.