Brian Dang
UW Honors Graduates
Brian Dang

Drama and English Literature and Language
Designation: Interdisciplinary Honors
Honors Grads 2018/2019
Proudest Moment: Writing and producing a site-specific play (Ratskin) with an amazing, collaborative group of immigrants.
Thesis: Drama Thesis - Ratskin, a new play // English Thesis - Embracing the Monster: "The Shape of Water" and its Fairy-Tale Utopia
dang.brian97@gmail.comBrian Dang majored in English Literature and Drama. Brian, throughout his time at UW, got involved with collaborative storytelling.
At UW, Brian was the Creative Development Director for the past two and a half years, connecting fellow undergraduate peers with educational opportunities as well as curating, coordinating, and mentoring playwrights in the annual New Works Festival. While Brian primarily focuses on playwriting, he has experience in sound and light design, improv, directing, and dramaturgy. Recent productions that he has been a part of have been Anton (Parley) as the playwright, The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? (UTS) as a co-director, Sleep is for the Weak V (Theatre Battery) as a playwright, and Goldie, Max and Milk (UW School of Drama) as the sound designer.
Brian is interested in pursuing an MFA in Playwriting and a Ph.D. in Performance Studies.
Last but not least, Brian is passionate about the power of stories and the intersection between creative and critical writing. On the side, Brian likes to read, write, watch movies, revel in hopeless romanticism, pet cats, and eat bread.