Cezanne Selora Lane
UW Honors Graduates
Cezanne Selora Lane
Designation: Interdisciplinary Honors
Honors Grads 2020/2021
Proudest Moment: Completing the Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry series. They really kicked my butt!
cezannelane@gmail.comDuring my time at UW I worked for UWILD and UW Crags Climbing Center, volunteered at Facing Homelessness, worked for the research group UnBiased Health, and completed my B.S. in Biology.
More importantly, I engaged in late night debates with friends about medical ethics, spent lots of time exploring the Cascade mountains, took dance classes, explored Seattle, learned how to study hard and believe in my abilities, and to respect others' diverse and rich experiences.
I entered UW knowing that I wanted to pursue a career in healthcare. This vision took many twists, turns, and detours during my time at UW. However, I have come out the other side surer than ever.
I am now planning to work as an EMT while I prepare to apply to medical school. As a future medical professional I will support the people who fall through the cracks of the medical and social systems that are currently in place. I will do my best to reshape these very systems.