Emily Elaine Sawan
UW Honors Graduates
Emily Elaine Sawan

Psychology and English
Designation: College Honors
Honors Grads 2017/2018
Proudest Moment: Publishing my very first short story!
Thesis: With Capitalistic Intent: Conspecific Consumption and Consumerism in Science Fiction
emily.sawan@gmail.comWhen I first walked onto the UW campus, I thought the years would drag by. Now that I’m on my way out, I realize just how quickly they’ve flown.
These past four years have brought with them an eclectic variety of experiences. I was a Peer Health Educator, a student librarian, a book reader at a Literary Agency. I volunteered in a special education classroom and currently work in the specialized program division of Seattle Parks and Recreation, working with people with disabilities. I am a clog dancer, a foodie, and more than anything else I love a good book.
I walked into UW thinking about psychology and walked out thinking about English, obtaining both degrees along the way.
I’ve received an array of scholarships, from the Dillman Scholarship First-year year to the Distinguished Alumni Senior Scholarship last year, in addition to winning the WaCLA College Essay Contest Sophomore year. I am also a member of the Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board honor societies. I will be graduating magna cum laude and will be earning departmental honors with my English degree.
Going forward, I’m excited to take a year off and pointedly think about anything but school, before jumping back in and pursuing a PhD in Literature.