Jenna Truong
UW Honors Graduates
Jenna Truong

Environmental Studies
Environmental Health
Designation: College Honors
Honors Grads 2020/2021
Proudest Moment: My proudest moment was presenting the feature session at the Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference with experts in climate change and mental health.
Thesis: Inside EPA: Getting to Effective Science Communication from the Inside Out
Hi I'm Jenna, and I am from Spokane Valley, WA. I am passionate about the intersections of health, environment, and justice. I believe there is great power in framing environmental issues through a health lens as Rachel Carson and Devra Davis did in their writing, and looking at the disparities in those impacts.
During my time at UW I focused a lot of my energy on leadership, including but not limited to Honors Community Ambassadors, Student Advisory Council to the Dean, College of the Environment Student Ambassadors, Students Expressing Environmental Dedication, and the Campus Sustainability Fund. I've been very fortunate to be able to participate in two Honors study abroad trips and a Partners in the Park trip with our Honors advisers. I was also able to intern with US EPA Region 10 Children's Health and Pesticides teams for my senior capstone.
Looking forward, I'll be getting my MPH in Environmental Health Sciences from Yale University after working on COVID-19 Recovery in King County. I'm very excited to get out and start making a difference in my community.