Karinne Elise Sandstrom
UW Honors Graduates
Karinne Elise Sandstrom

Business Administration, Information Systems and Marketing
Designation: Interdisciplinary Honors
Honors Grads 2017/2018
Originally from San Diego, CA, I moved up to Seattle four years ago to attend the University to pursue a business degree with Interdisciplinary. These past four years I've loved exploring my new home--whether that be at a local coffee shop or traversing the concrete jungle that is Downtown Seattle. My sophomore year, I left the comforts of my new home and studied abroad in Berlin, Germany. There, I learned about identity through the lens of a refugee, as well as conducted my own research about the identity of an American through a foreign lens. The travel bug has yet to cease, as I will be returning to Europe for three weeks this summer with my friend Shelby.
Throughout my college career I have been lucky to work with various communities in the Greater Seattle area. Following my dad's diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2015, I became connected the local chapter of the National MS Society. I spent 8 months as an intern for the Walk MS campaign and organized the Bellingham walk from start to finish. One of my proudest moments of college was watching the last participant cross the finish line, knowing we had raised 50,000 more dollars for MS research and support programs. Personally, my dad's Walk MS team has raised $15,000 in the past 3 years.
My sorority, Alpha Chi Omega has taught me the value of connection and what it means to be a part of an organization that is much larger than the individual. I served as the Vice President of Chapter Relations and Standards my sophomore year and have been on the Chapter Relations and Standards board the other three years. It means a lot to me that, even as a senior, I can give back to an organization that has given me some of my closest friends.
The summer following my third year, I interned for EY as a consulting intern. It was quite intimidating to work in a large corporate setting, but the scariest things reap the greatest benefits. I helped to develop a training program for 400+ staff following a new SAP system implementation. I was able to present my work to a managing partner on the project. Last August, I received a full-time offer with EY for after I graduate.
Of course, not all moments were glorious. But my support network of friends and family were integral during those times. I am forever indebted to my amazing parents who did not hesitate to book me a flight back home when I needed some sun and cuddles with my pup, Cooper. I attribute so much of my success to their unfailing love. My siblings, Kassi, Katie and Nick are also three people that I cannot imagine life without. They are my role models and the best ones out there. My friends and boyfriend are what give me energy to tackle any test or take on any interview. They are my sources of laughter, fun, and hugs on days that words just don't suffice. I am truly blessed.
As I look ahead, both excited and nervous, I can't help but feel grateful for the opportunity the UW allowed me. I am so much more confident and strong than when I first moved here. My eyes have been opened to so many ideas and lives. What brought me here was a mixture of my own determination and the privilege given to me from others. This privilege is something I hope to be able to pass on, so that one day, when someone writes their graduation bio, they beam with pride like I do.