Katherine S Ort
UW Honors Graduates
Katherine S Ort

Environmental Studies
Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2018/2019
Proudest Moment: Attending the capstone symposium and presenting my lightning talk
Thesis: Making Your Spring Break Sustainable: Can Tourism Be A Driver for Positive Environmental Change?
kort89@uw.eduI am recent honors graduate from the University of Washington's Program on the Environment. I completed my undergraduate research in Mexico, where I studied sustainability in the heritage and tourism fields. My main interests are in creating better management techniques so that the travel industry can be more socially and ecologically responsible; and doing interdisciplinary research and applying systems thinking approaches to different problems. I have had the opportunity to develop many of my skills through study abroads in China and in Mexico. I am currently working with a Cultural Heritage Management non-profit in Mexico where I am attending and planning conferences for people in the travel, tourism, and heritage fields and I hope to start a podcast that addresses sustainability in travel.