Kendall Horan
UW Honors Graduates
Kendall Horan

English (Creative Writing)
Designation: College Honors
Honors Grads 2017/2018
Proudest Moment: I'll never forget a student I tutored telling me writing never made sense to her until she heard me talk about it. I don't think there's a more profound moment of fulfillment and validation for a writing major.
Thesis: Identifying with the Immortal: The Superhero Icon and the Identificatory Paradigm
kendallkmh@gmail.comSome six or seven years ago, my family took a trip to the far and distant Seattle, Washington, and I got it in my head and heart that this city and its big old purple and gold school was where I wanted to be. Now, I couldn't be more certain it's where I was meant to be. My time at the University of Washington and in the Interdisciplinary Honors Program allowed me to indulge every one of my interests and pursue every one of my passions. Though I decided early on I'd be abandoning the path of an engineer for that of a creative writer, UW, thanks in no small part to the Interdisciplinary Honors Program, never required me to give up on my STEM side completely. This school allowed me the confidence and freedom to step blindly but securely into a host of exceptional opportunities. From a quarter spent writing poetry among real live scientists and their real live research at Friday Harbor Laboratories, to the hours I spent problem solving in on-campus creative writing and English thesis workshops, the remarkable thought and reflection I was allowed to facilitate as an Honors Peer Educator and CLUE Writing Tutor, and the unparalleled experiences I shared with peers within my field and well beyond, I've so enjoyed being a Husky. The growth I've undergone these past four years has prepared me to continue following my dreams, as I set my sights on a career in screenwriting. Though I'm loath to leave Seattle, the goals UW has enabled me to pursue will take me to Los Angeles in the next year, and hopefully, before long, to a theater (or television screen) near you.