Lingke Zhong
UW Honors Graduates
Lingke Zhong

Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2020/2021
Proudest Moment: In my last quarter at UW, even with the fear of public speaking, I managed to present at the Annual ISCRM Symposium and at the 24th UW Undergraduate Research Symposium as a Mary Gates Scholar. I am proud that I overcame my fear and became more confident in making presentations.
Thesis: Combating COVID-19 with An Innovative Therapeutic
lingkz@uw.eduWhen I was on the PKX=>SEA flight 4 years ago, I was destined for the day I head towards the East Coast to continue my goal of being an entrepreneurial scientist. Now that I'm sitting on the plane flying from SEA => BOS, the reality is striking me quickly.
A mixture of science, business, and a two-year research experience at UW nurtured my path. People I've met in the past 3 years at UW truly influenced me to be boundless. I have become wiser and more motivated to push the frontier of combining science with business to promote forefront science to the general public. To my peers: I can’t wait to see what we will build for this world in the next 20 years!
I want to thank my parents for their unreserved support that allowed me to study abroad. I am also beyond grateful to have some close friends who were always there for my ups and downs in my college life. Lastly and most importantly, I want to thank myself for making it through all the obstacles and becoming stronger and stronger every time.