Lyddie Jo Austin
UW Honors Graduates
Lyddie Jo Austin

Environmental Engineering
Designation: Interdisciplinary Honors
Honors Grads 2020/2021
Proudest Moment: When I started at UW, I thought it was a good idea to do the advanced series for General Chemistry. What that meant was instead of 3 quarters of chemistry classes, they were condensed into 2 quarters (with the same amount of material). It went about as good as you would imagine, and as someone who enjoyed chemistry but was not gifted with an immediate understanding of the material, it was a hard time to say the least. When I finished my second quarter I was insanely stressed about the final, and I remember getting my grade back while I was on the roof of Terry Hall. I got a final grade in that class that made me jump out of my seat (in excitement), and I don't think I will be forgetting that anytime soon.
I grew up in Spokane, and I have always had a passion for the environment. That's what drove me to major in EnvE, along with my love for math, chemistry, and biology. Outside of my career, I am an avid knitter, hiker, baker, and I enjoy playing video games with my friends. Throughout my time at UW I loved cooking for my friends and learning to perfect recipes passed down by the Mexican side of my family. Long term in my career, I hope to do good not only for the environment but for the people of my community,