Maekara Serena Keopanapay
UW Honors Graduates
Maekara Serena Keopanapay

Political Science
Designation: Interdisciplinary Honors
Honors Grads 2019/2020
Proudest Moment: Finding out I got the Washington State Senate internship and the State Department internship in South Africa!
maekarakeopanapay@gmail.comMy time at the UW fostered my academic, personal, and professional growth while helping me discover my connection to the world around me. I have been part of numerous communities both on and off campus, surrounded by the most hardworking and passionate people. They motivate me to consciously continue and improve upon making spaces inclusive for those who have been historically excluded in politics, international affairs, security, and beyond.
Now, I'm excited to pursue my MA in Security Studies at Georgetown, working toward a career that delves into political violence while prioritizing human security as a method to prevent and alleviate conflict. I am so proud to be a Husky and cheer on the Dawgs from this moment forward!