Maia Serene Gower
UW Honors Graduates
Maia Serene Gower

Biochemistry and Chemistry
Swedish and Microbiology
Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2020/2021
Proudest Moment: Publishing research on a microscale Tuberculosis model after working on it for three years!
Thesis: A Modular Microscale Granuloma Model for Immune-Microenvironment Signaling Studies In Vitro
GOWERMAIA@GMAIL.COMDuring my time at UW, I have enjoyed working in the Theberge Lab in the Department of Chemistry and studying Swedish with the Department of Scandinavian Studies. I cherish the time spent learning new skills and building community within these groups and will miss them dearly!
I am looking forward to continuing my education in Microbiology at Lund University in Sweden and beginning an exciting new chapter in my life!