Peyton Lyons
UW Honors Graduates
Peyton Lyons

Informatics, Spanish
Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2018/2019
Proudest Moment: Finishing my Spanish honors thesis and Informatics Capstone - both of these projects felt like a great way to round out my time in these majors
Thesis: Transgender Identity in Spain: From the Second Republic, to Dictatorship, and Democracy
lyonsp@uw.eduI am excited by the intersection of social justice and technology, and while defining what this means exactly is an ongoing process, the past five years at UW have helped that significantly.
As a Data Management Fellow at the Latino Community Fund, I have had the opportunity to combine my Spanish and Informatics majors and also work in a non-profit, which is something I have loved. Being welcomed into and supported by the LCF family has been one of the best experiences over the past two years and has helped me better understand how I want to contribute to communities throughout my life.
Another defining experience has been my work in residential life. I started as an Office Assistant during my first-year year, worked as an RA for two years, and am finishing my time in res life as an ARD for Lander Hall. I have made some of my best friends from these experiences and have built upon my professional identity. These roles have challenged me in ways I never expected and I will take these experiences with me wherever I go. It will be strange to not live in a res hall next year (and have to pay rent...)!
I was very excited when I found out that UW has an Equestrian Club so I could continue competing in the sport that I have done for most of my life. The club quickly became a key part of my time at UW, providing one of my first opportunities for leadership. I held three exec positions in the club, including President last year, and had the chance to compete twice at Zones. It's hard to find people to talk to about horses, but this little group offered that much needed space and community.
There are obviously many other experiences that have led me to this point, including being an Info 200 TA, a Dream Project mentor, meeting amazing friends, working with awesome professors, a lot of fun experiences and also hard days. I am excited to take these experiences and relationships with me as I move on to whatever is next.