Piper S Cramer
UW Honors Graduates
Piper S Cramer

Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2019/2020
Proudest Moment: One of my proudest memories at UW was having the opportunity to share my passion for bioengineering with other students through my position as a TA!
Thesis: Regulating chimeric γc cytokine receptor expression through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted integration
Hi, I'm Piper! It has been an amazing four years at UW, and I'm so grateful for the many amazing experiences I've had here. It was a pleasure learning alongside so many brilliant students and having the chance to explore my passions through classes, volunteering, and research. I am excited to spend the next couple years working before heading to grad school or medical school! Thank you to my professors, friends, and family for their never-ending support and encouragement in the pursuit of my dreams.