Regan Gong
UW Honors Graduates
Regan Gong

Psychology and International Studies: Comparative Religion
Designation: Interdisciplinary Honors
Honors Grads 2018/2019
Proudest Moment: Creating an event celebrating interfaith dialogue thanks to the Husky Seed Fund
I have had an amazing four years as a Husky! My first-year year I became a campus tour guide and have been able to share my love for my school to prospective students. I studied abroad with the Honors Program in Rome, Italy and learned about arts and cultural norms while making lifelong friends. Academically, I participated in the two psychology research labs. My favorite was studying diversity efforts of companies in my Social Policy and Identity Research Lab in the Evans School of Public Policy. Last summer, I intern abroad with the U.S. Department of State at the Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal. I learned so much over these experiences and plan on pursuing a master's degree to prepare myself for a career in the Foreign Service.